The AREs for Get Lucky are all printed up — and just arrived in the mail at my house. It’s still a 6-month wait for the actual book, but it’s always a thrill to see the AREs. It’s amazing how different the words look on the pages of the book. The new layout seems to […]
I try not to forget to count my blessings. And one of them–two years in a row, now–has been getting to go out to the Texas Hill Country to stay in the gorgeous country house of one of my mom’s dear friends. I got to go last year when I was finishing up my […]
I apologize for the Blair Witch quality of the kitten photos. But they do illuminate some true things: 1. My camera spends too much time at the bottom of my enormous purse–down with the pretzel crumbs and dessicated granola bars. 2. A small person in my house (and I’m not naming any names) threw the […]
My big sister is about to have an important birthday–and to honor it, and her, my mom and dad and I went through our old family photos to make a little video retrospective. This photo, in particular, is knocking my socks off. I’d never seen it until my mom gave it to me for the […]
My third novel, Get Lucky–on sale April 2010–now has a cover! Now we just need to get it together with the words, and we’re good to go.
I’m obsessing over this amazing slideshow of photos of this charming cob house in Texas today! The New York Times just did a profile of it, and it’s so much like a house I stumbled on at the Children’s Garden in Ithaca, New York, when we were just on vacation there. My kids were playing […]
> Just got a message from my publicist at Random House that there’s a section of Kathy Griffin’s Bravo show My Life on the D-List that has my book cover in it! She has a book coming out with Random House, and she filmed a segment of the show at their offices. And right behind […]
This photo says a lot. But I’ll add these words, as well: Wildflower garden. Yacht club. Farmers’ market. Alpaca farm (with chickens!). Also: 75 degree weather. Gorges, and streams, and a lake. Grandparents. And this, too: Lucky, lucky, lucky.
Here’s a Writing Wednesday about life with kids. The question comes up over and over: How do you do both? How do you get it all done as a mother and a writer? And almost every mother with little kids I know struggles with some version of this question. How do you get it all […]
I found a link to this painting at today and I’m totally breathtaken. The artist is Amanda Blake, and I just want to stare at this painting all day. Really, I want to go inside it. I’d love to know how to paint like that: to know how to make a paintbrush do that…
Here’s a little photo poem. The image here comes from one of my very favorite sites, Square America, an online collection of found photographs and snapshots. And the text comes from something I wrote years and years ago…
It’s been that kind of summer. The kind where it seemed like a good idea to make a list the things I am grateful for. I set out to make a list of 100, and once I got going, it seemed it would be just as easy to list a thousand. But I stuck with […]
A reporter asked me last week to put together some of my favorite quotes from Everyone Is Beautiful for a story she’s doing. And so I did. I’ve been writing new stuff, and blogging, and goofing off with my kids this summer–and it had been a while since I’d spent any time with Everyone Is […]
Here’s me, yesterday, revising an early draft of a story. This is what it looks like early on–lots of writing all over the page: arrows, carrots, scribbles. Then I go back and type in what I’ve written. Then I print it out and write all over the typed pages again, over and over until it […]