I grew up with The Elements of Style, but I guarantee my copy was nowhere near this gorgeous. Maybe it’s time for a new one. I might need to get it for the illustrations alone. These illustrations are by Maira Kalman, who also has a gorgeous and super-fantastic illustrated blog for The New York Times. […]
This Writing Wednesday is about naming characters. And why you have to do it carefully and not just buy a baby book and pick out your favorite names. Here’s the main point of the video (and you’ll notice that I DO NOT actually SAY IT in the video): Characters and names have a relationship to […]
After my friends and I did this project there were comments. Lots and lots of comments. And many of those comments said this: I want to do it, too! Which gave me an idea. Other people should do it, too. I cannot tell you how soothing, amazing, and comforting it is to paint words of […]
It’s Thursday morning! So that must mean it’s time for Writing Wednesday! This question is from Jaime, who wants to know if I make an outline when I write a novel. And the answer is yes. And no. And sort of. [BlueTube]GEuH_wQb09w[/BlueTube] Usually, my outlines are just numbered lists. Very broad. The number stands for […]
I’ve seen enough rambling homemade videos on YouTube to know it’s important to keep these Writing Wednesday clips short. I’m shooting for 2-3 minutes, and even 3 feels a little long. But it is hard to cover very much into 2 minutes. Sometimes they seem to raise more questions than they answer. But maybe that’s […]
I recorded this Writing Wednesday post yesterday, and my husband was like, “You do know it’s Thursday, right?” And I was like, “Man, that’s what Writing Wednesday is all about!” So here’s my Friday post for Writing Wednesday! Happy weekend! [BlueTube]9a0piIJyFKY[/BlueTube]
I’m not sure how I came up with the idea to do this. But a few weeks back, I decided that I wanted to paint words all over the body of my friend Jenny and have our friend Karen photograph it. So I asked them. And to my serious delight they both said yes. Here’s […]
There’s a good possibility I may never actually post on Wednesday. But here’s the first one! Kicking things off with the first–and possibly best–advice I ever got about writing, courtesy of my dad. Here we go! And feel free to leave questions! [BlueTube]eTtR9FcpDrA[/BlueTube]
At the suggestion of my amazing friend Brené, I’m starting a weekly series here on the blog about writing. She even came up with the title: Writing Wednesday. Of course, I’m doing the first Writing Wednesday post on Saturday. Cause that’s how I roll. And Brené’s original suggestion was to write a post about writing. […]
Summer is officially here, and with it came stacks of art from my children’s schools. And just as I was looking at the piles and wondering where I would store it all, it occurred to me that I didn’t want to store it. I wanted to look at it. So began my project of covering […]
Happy Mothers’ Day! Here’s a video I made with an excerpt from Bright Side! =[BlueTube]urHyNhYmhlk[/BlueTube]
Here’s a video I just made for the essay “The Lives We Hoped For.” I originally posted the written version here, under I Love Wrinkles, and then the amazing Mary Swenson posted it to Kirtsy. Which inspired me to read it at a book event a few days ago. And reading it out loud to […]
I saw Lars and the Real Girl the other night for the first time. I loved the sweetness of the story, and the mystery of the main character, and the message about how we can all take better care of each other. And there was a great description of being a grown up that I […]
In March, while I was on a book tour, I was also on a blog tour. Random House set it up with the lovely Dorothy, who had me contributing guest essays at blogs around the web. But it all went too fast. I was racing from town to town, blog to blog. And I promised […]
I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t stop oggling the photos of it on Craigslist. Apparently, the inside is “gutted.” And so I keep thinking I could put in some great floor, and a little dinette table, and a couple of mattresses. And make fantastic curtains out of some great Amy Butler fabric. We […]