video: make your own luck
I’ve just made a new trailer for Get Lucky that tries to feel a little bit like the book.
I was super-lucky to get to use photos taken by my beautiful pal Andrea Jenkins of Hula Seventy, who is an amazing photographer, artist, blogger, and mama. Beyond amazing, actually.
I’ve been trying to make this video for a while. I’ve had the images and music lined up forever. But I had trouble finding the right words. I tried reading a few different book excerpts, but nothing was right. So I finally put the whole project aside.
And it’s amazing how, with creative things, NOT thinking about a problem so often solves it. Or, at least, not concentrating on a problem. I just kind of put this video project on a shelf in the back of my head and did a gazillion other things for a while.
And then, the other day, my husband was messing around online, and he said, “You should make a word cloud out of the first chapter of Get Lucky.”
Y’all know what word clouds are, right? Word clouds lay out words from a piece of writing visually.
And as soon as I heard my husband say that, I also heard a little “ding!” The ding of my mind finally, suddenly, knowing with total certainty exactly what to do. Like magic. My very favorite kind of magic.
Oh, I love this, Katherine! You capture the novel perfectly 🙂 I like visiting your site…it is always so upbeat and happy here!
LOVE IT Katherine!!! Inspiring!!
Just popped over from Andrea’s site (I do a little “hula” every day). I just have to say that the byline of this page’s title served me well today. I needed to see it so beautifully written to embrace that perspective once again. Thank you. Very much.
Very Perky!
this is amazing! i love that it was born from a word cloud. andrea’s photos + your words = total love.
A total pick-me-up! Love it…the pace, the images, the music, the slow ending…EVERYTHING! You multi-talented mama you! xo…Linsey
I am so glad daughter Linsey introduced me to you. It has been such fun getting to know you through your words and now photos. Great job. L
You have true trailer-making skillz. 🙂
The music is infectous…I love it
I have always loved this video. I watch it at least once or twice every year. Just to feel inspired. I love the music. I want to use it to make a video resume for a job I really want. Is that possible?
If so that would make me jump up and down!
Let me know at your earliest convenience.