the lives we hoped for

Here’s a video I just made for the essay “The Lives We Hoped For.”  I originally posted the written version here, under I Love Wrinkles, and then the amazing Mary Swenson posted it to Kirtsy.  Which inspired me to read it at a book event a few days ago.  And reading it out loud to an audience was so fun I decided to make a recording.

The lovely photographs in the video are by my friend Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks.


(You may have seen her recently on Oprah!)

And there’s a fantastic necklace in a photo near the end that is one of Andrea Scher’s Superhero Neckalaces.


I know a bunch of people who have Superhero Necklaces, and whenever I see them wearing one, I find myself thinking over and over how fantastic they look.  Like I did yesterday, at coffee with Karen.  Who always looks fantastic, anyway, but I sure did love her necklace.

Here’s the video!  Hope you like it!
