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From the New York Times bestselling author of The Bodyguard comes a hopelessly romantic novel about finding love, confronting a haunting past, and figuring out what, and who, really matters.



On sale MAY 28!














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Click HERE (same as the link above) and choose Blue Willow Bookshop. Just note that you’d like a signed copy in the “order comments” box at checkout!!

“Where to start! Where to start! This book is hands-down, the most unique, original, and beautiful work of art I have read in a long time!”


“How does Katherine Center always write such a damn good story?!”


“I have said it before, and I’ll say it again—Katherine Center can do no wrong. I adored this book. Her characters are endlessly relatable, her love interests bring the swoons, and I finish every book feeling as if I’ve been wrapped in a warm hug. HELLO STRANGER is easily one of my favorite books this year.”


This heart-warming, adorable romcom is a perfect dose of sunshine in this dreary world.”


“Oh my, oh my!! I stayed up half the night finishing this book. It’s Katherine Center’s most brilliant novel yet.”


Buy the book for the characters; stay for the heartwarming thrill of it all.”



PRE-ORDER the audiobook:




The main character in HELLO STRANGER has a condition called “acquired apperceptive prosopagnosia,” also known as face blindness. There are two basic types of face blindness: (1) developmental, which is a condition people have all their lives and is most often related to remembering faces, and (2) acquired, which usually results from some type of injury to the area of the brain specific to perceiving faces (traumatic brain injury, stroke).

Damage to the area of the brain that is specialized for perceiving faces makes it impossible to snap the components of the face together into a recognizable whole. People with this condition can see that it’s a face—see the eyes and nose and mouth—but the whole thing never comes together. The best way of thinking about it that I came across in my research was to look at faces upside down. The people below are all famous. You’d probably recognize them if they were right side up. But upside down like this, your brain doesn’t know how to make sense of them. Flip the image right side up to see how many of these folks you recognize!


Scroll down a smidge for answer key!!


To learn more about face blindness, please visit FaceBlind.org, a site run jointly by Harvard, Dartmouth, and the University of London. The site can connect you with online tests to check your own facial recognition abilities. Both this New Yorker article by Oliver Sacks, and Sadie Dingfelder’s fascinating essay in The Washington Post, My Life with Face Blindness, are very compelling reads with great information about face blindness. The podcast FaceBlind is also a great place to learn more.



*Are you looking for ways to get an advance reader’s copy of HELLO STRANGER? You can apply at the St. Martin’s Press Publishing Group Influencer Outreach page!



“Katherine Center is always a good idea.”



“Hello Stranger is a beautiful masterpiece! I just finished reading this book and it left me brimming with feelings of hope, joy, possibility, and wonder.”



Guys, I’m NOT kidding when I say I read this cover to cover without putting it down once. I just couldn’t stop reading. I needed to know what happened next and I stayed up WAY past this mom’s bedtime to finish the whole book. Katherine Center blew me away with this book.”



5000000 Stars. I cannot recommend this book enough. I cannot recommend Katherine Center enough.”



I told a friend Center is a magician. I read this, and then I reread the climactic scene REPEATEDLY because it was just that good. I am DELIGHTED by Katherine Center. What a gem of a book.”



All the stars for Hello Stranger by Katherine Center. I am going to have the biggest book hangover after reading this heartwarming story that has me smiling, giggling, laughing and crying. This book all had the emotions, and felt like a big hug from the author.”



. . . And she believes in love again!! It’s a miracle! My cold ice block of a heart has been melted.”



“I devoured this book in one sitting. The storyline was so compelling that I lost track of time.”



“You can count on Katherine Center making you feel all the feelings.”



Well, it’s official: I simply adore Katherine Center and the stories she creates. Hello Stranger had big shoes to fill because I love love loved The Bodyguard last year. This book was all that I wanted it to be and more.”



“This made me feel every emotion.”



“This book hit a soft spot in me that I never knew existed. 🥹🥹🥹 Ugly cried my way thru reading this.”



“Once again, Katherine Center has written the perfect love story. I absolutely adored this book, from start to finish. I especially loved how she really showed the experience of what it would feel like to not recognize faces. The believability was off the charts, and I learned a lot. But more than anything, the signature Katherine Center adorableness was all over this story. 10 stars.”



“Wow! I could not stop reading this book! I actually fell asleep thinking of all the possibilities for how it could end and woke up still thinking about it. Am I in love with this book? Absolutely! I adore Sadie and I loved ‘Joe’! The ending had me FREAKING OUT! My jaw literally dropped. This storyline was so unique and I loved everything about it.”



Katherine Center at her very best! Hello Stranger has everything I love in a rom-com: quirky characters, a flawed yet swoony love interest (or two), and witty banter. Lately when I read romance, I need more at stake than ‘will they/won’t they,’ and this novel certainly delivers with a deeply important message about more than the love story. Most of all, Hello Stranger is laugh-out-loud funny in a charming, effortless way. Too many rom-coms are trying to be funny—this one just is.”



Katherine Center’s Hello Stranger is so much more than a romance. It is an absolute triumph!”



“This is a 6-star tier. Absolutely crazy plot twist, remarkable storytelling, and the romanceeeee. I love Katherine Center’s books.”



I couldn’t put this down! Katherine Center is a genius, and this is a rom-com I will never forget!”



5 million stars!!!!!!! I loved this book! I think this might be the fastest I have ever read a book. I even stayed up until 2am to finish reading it. The author’s note at the end definitely made me cry. “Happy love stories-they all run on a blissful sense that we’re moving toward something better.” I felt that positivity throughout this book and I honestly just want to re-read it as soon as possible so that I can see which hints I missed. I love Katherine Center’s books and I’m so happy I got to read it!! It’s my favorite book of the year!”



This book had all the emotions. I went from laughing out loud to having tears in my eyes. If you haven’t read a Katherine Center book, you need to!”



Reading this was effortless. It left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside and most of all, it left me feeling hopeful. Nobody writes exactly the right book at exactly the right time quite like KC does. Always speaking to my soul, always right on time. This book is swoony, light-hearted and joyful. A must read!”



This is my first book by Katherine Center and it was better than I could’ve imagined. I loved everything about this story and found myself laughing out loud many times. It had all the elements I enjoy in a sweet rom-com and is easily one of my favorite reads this year.”



Katherine Center is one of my favorite romance writers. I never feel let down with her books. This book was no exception. I love how Center writes romance so there is an expected HEA but all of her books are so very different. I never feel like I’m reading the same book or same character.”



“My favorite romance ever. I couldn’t be more in love with an author or her story right now.”



The story was adorable, the banter was top notch. I laughed out loud many times while reading. I feverishly texted my friends on multiple occasions that they have to read this book as soon as it’s out. It was my greatest pleasure to read and review this wonderfully charming book from an author who I just think is amazing.”



Katherine Center has such a gift for telling a hopeful story.”



“Ummmm this book is incredible. I just cannot stop thinking about Sadie and Joe and the entirely refreshing and unique story. It filled me with so many butterflies! Endless hopeful anticipation! Loads of second hand embarrassment! It truly is a romance at its core and was such a fun and enjoyable read. I don’t want to give too much away, but I highly recommend this book. Pick this one up ASAP.”



“Katherine Center’s books are like the best chocolate chip cookies, warm and gooey and satisfying with just a little bit of bite to them. I did a little happy dance when I got an advanced copy of this book, and it surpassed my expectations. I love that her main characters aren’t perfect, they have flaws and histories but they always try to be better. Even when it feels like everything is a disaster, you know that somehow her characters are going to be more than alright in the end and you just have to keep reading—Katherine’s books are the epitome of can’t put down.”



This book is fabulously fun. It’s a love story—fueled by unexpected turns in life.”



Katherine Center can string any words together and I’ll gladly read them. Her stories bring a fresh take to the genre, and Hello Stranger did that more than ever. Just when you think you have it figured out, think again! There are twists and turns and also so much warmth, humor, and heart. With a narrator who cannot trust her own brain and a story that requires you to take a closer look at every interaction, Hello Stranger once again shows Katherine Center’s strength in finding that magical balance of filling your heart completely and leaving you wanting more.”



“Katherine Center knows EXACTLY what she’s doing when she’s writing. She makes you feel like you ARE the main character.”



Katherine Center is the queen of the relatable, heartwarming, heartbreaking romcom novel! This book gave me all the gut wrenching feelings along with laugh out loud moments!”



5 Stars, hands down! Katherine Center does it again! This book is something so special to me and will hold a place in my heart for a very long time, if not ever!”



Katherine Center is, as always, absolutely lovely. Did I stay up way past my bedtime reading? Of course. Did I have a good cry or two? Definitely. Is the love story perfectly sweet? Absolutely. I normally gripe about closed door romance, but Katherine tells such a compelling and propulsive story that I don’t realize the the door was closed until I’m looking back at a finished book.”



Katherine Center’s books are like a warm hug.”



Another magnificent story by Katherine Center! I sat down one night to read a few chapters before bed and found myself up past midnight finishing the story in one sitting. Without fail, Center’s books COMPLETELY absorb all of my mental and emotional energy; I find it very hard to focus on anything else, and Hello Stranger is no exception.”



The absolute amount of sheer joy I had while reading was astronomical. And I flat out SWOONED multiple times at the anticipation that Center has crafted in this novel.”



Wow 🤩 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 this book is EVERYTHING! I’m not going to lie this is my first Katherine Center book and I am stunned and in love. This book was perfection.”



This book got me out of a reading slump. It feels like coming up for fresh air!”



“This is what I enjoy most about Katherine Center’s writing; I can never read one of her books without learning something significant and valuable. Even before reading Hello, Stranger, I knew that I would love it. What I didn’t know was that I would love it even more than The Bodyguard and that one is a hard act to follow. I wholeheartedly recommend this book. Anyone who reads this is in for a spectacular treat!”



“If you’re not a Katherine Center fan, you should be.”



“Katherine Center, you did it AGAIN. I shouldn’t be surprised; I have never read a bad book by Katherine Center. If you’ve read her books before and liked them, this book will likely be a hit. Her author’s note really sealed the deal though and taught me something about the romance genre: Being “predictable” is not a bad thing with romance because as readers, we have an expectation that the story will get better. The outcome will create joy. So I think that is what I love so much about her books- it’s not JUST the HEA, it’s the message and the created happiness through love. Read this book. A++++++++++ Amazing story. KC is an inspiring author/storyteller. I read this in less than 24 hours and already want more Katherine Center!”



I devoured this book.”



This story will have you laughing and tearing up and when you are done, you will want to re-read it again! Love this story and this talented author and her superpower of creating heartwarming, fun to read stories. 5 happy stars.”



“If you’re going to read one rom-com this summer, make it Hello Stranger by Katherine Center!”



This story was a pocket of sunshine I wish to carry around with me 24/7 😭💖 My first ever Katherine Center read and I was so excited.
I’ve truly never read a work of fiction like this. Katherine had my heart beating wildly throughout the whole plot, I was on the edge of my seat for each moment.”



This book is captivating and compelling. Readers will laugh and cry and cheer and get angry. The ending may surprise many readers, but is delightfully original and well-crafted. There is wisdom and beauty in these pages!”



“Calling all Emily Henry fans—this is the book for you! I love this book so much! I couldn’t put it down! This story is so funny and heartwarming, I just want to wrap it up in a big hug!”



“I would like to marry this book.”



Katherine Center so brilliantly captures people going through some of the toughest moments of their lives. She makes you feel hopeful and she makes you feel like everything is going to be okay. Her writing is like a big, warm hug and a cup of hot cocoa. Do your heart some good and read this twisty, entertaining, and lighthearted read.”



Katherine Center does it again! If she writes it, I will read it! She is an auto-buy author for me! I enjoyed this so much! It was unexpected and delightful! I binged it in one day and I could not put it down. I was rooting for MC Sadie the whole way! I wanted her to heal, explore her creative passion, find joy, and reconnect with her family. This book made me laugh from some of the best sarcasm and wit on a page and it also pulled on my emotional strings.”



“You know those butterflies you get sometimes when something exciting is happening? That’s this book.”



It’s not often that a book leaves me so completely surprised. In a world full of tropes and recycled plot lines, Hello Stranger was an utter joy and a puzzle that I got it put together right along with the main character. I loved it. Maybe the best Katherine Center book yet.”



I read this book in one sitting, past midnight, with no pee breaks. It was that good. I can’t remember the last time I did that!”



This feels like a warm hug, while also being laugh-aloud funny, heartfelt, and totally, charmingly relatable. I rooted for Sadie and her relationships and for her to overcome her struggles. And that climax? It makes me want to go back and read it all over again. All the feel-good, laugh-aloud, swoony stars forever for Katherine Center.”



This story is perfect and I’m jealous of anyone getting to read it for the first time.”



Katherine Center always knocks it out of the park for me, and this was no exception! “Hello Stranger” is a unique and thoughtful romantic comedy that tackles complexities like grief, betrayal, and even brain surgery with a deft hand.
Center’s note at the end of the novel about predictability in romance perfectly summarizes what she’s so great at. I happened to read it after staying up into the wee hours needed to know the end – and felt like the glorious anticipation of her books was exactly what I needed – even more than sleep!”



Tears of all kinds. Sad, joyful, hopeful, love. This book will hit you in all the feels, guaranteed. This book was so nourishing to my soul.
Here’s what to expect:
💙 struggling artist with family struggles
💙 unexpected trials and setbacks
💙 face blindness
💙 you might possibly cry multiple times
💙 the sweetest love story á la Katherine Center
💙 love triangle written well
💙 the best ending, epilogue, and author’s note
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Katherine Center writes the most inspiring romances—it’ll take you on a ride and feel literally the whole spectrum of emotion – and do NOT miss the author’s note on this one!”



“Katherine is a master at creating complex, relatable characters and writing about the human experience—and making it delightful to read. An excellent, heartwarming book!”



WOW! I am not even sure I can put into words what I am feeling after I finished this book. I read it in a matter of hours, I literally could not put it down. The book grabs you from page one. It is there where you start to go down an emotional, challenging, and special road with Sadie. Sadie is such a strong, stubborn, independent, loving woman. She faces many heartbreaking moments where you cry right along with her. But you also face those special and exciting moments with her as well.Katherine Center draws you in with this book. You picture the story unfolding like you are right there watching it. She truly helps you capture what Sadie is experiencing throughout this book. This is a must read! You will not regret it.”



“I absolutely adored this book. Did not want to put it down, I had to know what happened!!! It was cute and also emotional, I got angry, but then swooned and felt so happy. It was seriously just an amazing ride with some great life lessons thrown in.”



I devoured this book in less than a day! I love the way Katherine Center is able to blend ‘real life’ tragedies and hardships into stories of hope, growth, and love. Themes of forgiveness, grit, acceptance, and kindness are common.”



The way I will devour any book by Katherine Center – all I can say is just give me all the books and all the things she writes STAT! Hello Stranger was a delightful, fun and thought provoking read that brought out all the things I love in Romance and Women’s Fiction. Sadie is pretty much down on her luck, and gets her big break when she suffers a life altering event that basically leaves her reeling and trying to figure out who she really is. The way I swooned for the MMC in this book, like I thought Owen aka The Rookie (from Things you Save in a Fire) and Jack (from The Bodyguard) were dreamy, but Katherine Center has really outdone herself this time. This book, even though dealing with a serious topic, left me feeling whimsical and believing and kismet but also brought home an important message of knowing you don’t have to do things on your own and asking for or even needing help isn’t a sign of weakness. Yet again Katherine Center has left me utterly happy and anticipating what she’s going to write next!”



“I absolutely devoured this book any chance I had. This was such a fun read and honestly gave me a new hope and look on life I never expected.”



“Katherine Center has done it again! Including a Trini doctor in the story, bringing light and awareness to an actual medical condition, all while setting up a 3-person (😏) meet cute love sotry? What can’t she do!? I particularly loved her author’s note at the end about love stories giving hope. She put into words what I was struggling to articulate when people ask me, ‘Why do you like reading romcoms?’ Love her. Can’t wait for more.”

—Mel CK


Everything about this book made my heart smile and I did not want it to end!!”



This book was ONE OF THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST BOOKS OF 2023! The pacing was great, the characters are so lovable, and the ending was satisfying. I laughed, I cried, I squealed with glee. Ugh can I go back and reread this for the first time again?”



Okay everyone. Stop what you’re doing. And pre-order Hello Stranger by Katherine Center. Right. Now! This precious gem of a book comes out July 11th, and it’s the perfect summer (or anytime) read! ☀️ This love story really created fantastic anticipation .💓”



I LOVED THIS BOOK! Immediately I took to the main character, Sadie, and her hilarious personality. I laughed, I got angry, and I was left feeling light and hopeful at the end. That’s what a good romance story should be.”



I am so glad I got to read this book, by far my favorite Katherine Center book to date!! She has such a way of making you feel like you’re part of the story and you experience all of the character’s emotions right along with them. What a roller coaster ride! Thank you for bringing a unique twist on a classic romance. 10/10″



I was consumed by this book and read it in two days, which is very fast for me. I could not put it down and then of course was sorry that the story was over.”



Another phenomenal book by Katherine Center! Her books never disappoint and are SO good! A perfect mix of intrigue, hope, a few twists and most importantly a happy ending (but not in a boring predictable way!) Katherine Center is truly amazing!”



“The thing I love most about Katherine Center books is that she writes romance in completely her own way. It’s not really the ‘style’ of contemporary romance, or Women’s Fiction. It feels like its own thing, very genuine and authentic, but still delivering hopeful, heart-swelling romance.”


Once again, Katherine Center knocks it out of the ball park! She is the queen of feel-good, stories that make your heart happy. It is impossible to have a bad day after reading one of her delightful stories–they are perfection!”



It’s an undisputed fact: There’s something special about a Katherine Center novel that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. And I’m here to report that HELLO STRANGER is no exception. It’s full of witty, laugh-out-loud banter, memorable characters, life lessons, and swoon-worthy moments that envelope you in a big, endorphin-releasing hug.”



I am continually in awe of how Center weaves her story together. Not only is this a story of healing, love, and self acceptance, but it is a story of hope.”



I adored this book – the last 20% I resented any real-life interruptions that kept me from reading.”



Katherine Center is my new go-to author for a feel good read. Sadie Montgomery is such a relatable and endearing heroine. Her acquired case of prosopagnosia or face blindness is a reminder of how intricately connected our senses are. The Author’s Note included a checklist for a nourishing read:
Did it make me laugh? ✔
Did it make me swoon? ✔
Did it keep me up too late reading? ✔
Did it give me that blissed-out feeling? ✔
Did it give me something to think about? ✔
A new perspective? ✔
And something to look forward to? ✔
That’s why I gave this one all the stars.”



5/5 ⭐️ I haven’t read a romcom like this in a long time. Entertaining, laugh out loud funny and in no way cheesy. Highly recommend this read if you need a slightly more complex romance that will have you laughing out loud.”



“Friends, Romans, Countrymen—if you are looking for your new favorite romcom mark your calendar for this one. I loved absolutely everything about this story. The characters are delightful and the one liners will have you laughing out loud.



“Another delightful and captivating , heartfelt romantic novel by Katherine Center!”



Katherine Center strikes again! At this point, I am convinced this author could rewrite the phone book and I would find it absolutely riveting and this one was no exception. This book has EVERYTHING, and that is no exaggeration. There was drama, tragedy, fun, and so much laughter!! A quick round of applause for the banter, because *insert chef’s kiss here*!!!! I could not put this down. I was huddled in my bed at midnight finishing this story with tears streaming down my face. Let’s be honest, I was ugly crying at how stunning this story was. I’m already ready for a re-read. STICK AROUND FOR THE AUTHOR’S NOTE BECAUSE IT IS SUCH A TREAT!”



“This book felt like a warm hug and may the first book in my life that I immediately re-read.”



Katherine Center really can do no wrong. 5 stars. Read it and you’ll love it too.”



Hello Stranger is a dramatic, emotionally intense read that you have come to expect from Katherine Center. Sadie Montgomery goes through a terrible traumatic event that also turns out to be such an inspiring life-affirming one.”



There is a reason why Katherine Center is called “the reigning queen of comfort reads.” She knows how to tug at you heart with uplifting, feel good, emotional stories with some of the most charismatic and charming characters . . . all the while making you laugh. I need more books like this.”



I’m calling it now—Hello Stranger will be on lists as the best romance/rom com of the year!”



Katherine Center does it again—except dare I say, better than ever before! I needed the anticipation, the hope, the joy that this novel brought me.”



Katherine Center has such a way of immersing her readers in her stories, making her characters relatable and every emotion tangible.”



Katherine Center can do no wrong.”



“Une baume sur le coeur.” (“A balm for the heart.”)



“Katherine Center has done it again! I love everything about this book! I’m forever a KC fan and will read anything she writes! One of the many things I love about Katherine Center is her medical. (And as a Nurse I’m super picky about this). I love all her research and focus on detail. Loved learning about Prosopagnosia and all the struggles Sadie goes through.”



“Katherine Center is the queen! This book was unlike anything I’ve read. It’s truly a joy to read her books.”



I love Katherine Center books, and even though I thought “Everyone is Beautiful” was my favorite book because I felt identified I have to say that Hello Stranger has taken that place in my heart. Reading it was like sipping a mug of hot chocolate , delicious and comforting. So many amazing quotes, lessons learned and funny moments in this book. Check it out! You won’t regret it!”



I DEVOURED this book in one sitting. It was the perfect comfort read for the day before Thanksgiving. Everyone knows I adore Katherine and I’ll read anything she’s ever written, but when I tell you that THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE BOOK. The story was unique (You’ve Got Mail feels), there was tension, and hope, and the happiest ending ever. 🥹”



“Katherine Center books land at the corner of women’s fiction and romance, with a deeply character-driven flavor and hooky, witty, emotional prose.”



Just thinking about this book makes me smile. I adored every page and was actually sad when the story came to an end, which rarely happens for me. It was such a comedy of errors but in the saddest way, yet it never felt sad. Sadie wouldn’t let it. She was so brave, so determined, so strong and yet so vulnerable. I just fell in love with her. I highly recommend this book to lovers of romance and family drama. This one is a highlight for me and I’m sure will make it to my best of the year reads, I am a total fan.”



I don’t have enough kind things to say about this ARC. It was absolutely perfect for anyone that loves romance novels and also values an intriguing plot line. Also, if you love charming men, back rubs, dogs, bowling, painting, polka dot wrap dresses, your therapist, and the constant feeling of butterflies flying around in your stomach . . . yeah, this is the summer read for you!”






I loved this book. Let me say it again louder – I LOVED THIS BOOK. This was the perfect blend of a sentimental, sweet romance and a perfectly executed love triangle. This was such a unique take on how things are so much more than meets the eye and It most certainly is going down as a top read of the year for me. Katherine Center is an exceptional writer and her stories always leave me right in my feels.”



Katherine Center’s writing is like a warm blanket wrapped around you. Truly, this book, like all Katherine Center books, was a gem.” 



I love this book. I love this author. I love what she stands for and how she writes. I love why she writes romances. I love how her characters come alive. I love how he weaves things together in a way that feels so real yet so perfect.”



I felt enraged, happy, touched, teary, and so many more things as I read this excellent book! It was a great balance of serious, funny, sweet and swoony and I will pick up anything Katherine Center writes!”



Hold onto your hearts, folks! My favorite romance author is back with another five-starred hit that’s sure to pull at your heartstrings. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this one.”



“If there’s a hundred katherine center fans, I’m one of them. If there’s one katherine center fan, it’s me. If there’s no katherine center fans, i’m dead.”



HELLO STRANGER had me swooning! Just when I thought I couldn’t love a Katherine Center book more…she out does herself again!! I just loved Sadie and Oliver. This was one I read in a day, because once you start you will not be able to put it down. The ending just left me speechless! I would LOVE to see this story made into a movie. After you read it, you will see why. I am just smitten! All the stars for HELLO STRANGER, I wish I read it sooner!!”



I loved every second of this heartfelt and joyful book.”



Every once in a while, you read a story that is just so satisfying it requires you to pause for a a few days and just let the story marinate in your head, because it’s so good! Hello Stranger was that book for me.”



I’m not typically one who stays up well past my bedtime to read a book. I mean let’s be honest, I really value my sleep. But Hello Stranger did this exact thing to me. Nearing midnight, tears bursting from my eyes while I’m simultaneously smiling with joy. I loved Hello Stranger by Katherine Center. LOVED. Katherine Center has a way of writing that makes you feel. You feel the good, the bad, the love, the hurt, the hope, the humor. You feel the characters and believe that you are right with them in the story. If I was a fan of Katherine Center before, I am without a doubt, life-long, fan now. Highly recommend.”



I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face after reading this. I don’t even know where to begin with this review other than, this novel was a true delight from start to finish.”



“There is something beautiful with Katherine Center’s writing that sucks you in and makes you fall in love with her characters.”



Hello book-hangover! When you meet characters as charming as Sadie and Joe it’s hard to leave them behind once the story ends. This story has humor and heart and all the elements I look for in a book. Center writes books that make you wonder as much as they make you feel warm and cozy. This is more than just a romance it is also a look into humans overcoming obstacles, fighting internal struggles and how various relationships develop.”



I want to live inside Center’s head. She outdoes herself every time.”



I just devoured this book in a day! I loved The Bodyguard so I couldn’t wait to dive in this book. Boy was I completely taken back that this novel is even better than her last. It’s full of hope, love, compassion, grief, guilt, humor, & all the in between. It’s truly special. In a world full of uncertainty, this book is truly a lifeline. So, “I loved it” just doesn’t seem quite a good enough descriptor. Read this!”



Swoon! Guys, you’re in for a treat! I adored this book. Its feel-good factor is out of this world. And yes, I did stay up until 3 am finishing it! Thank you, Katherine Center, you rock! You make my world brighter and more bearable, and yes, this book had me “in that blissed-out, oxytocin-laden, tipsy” state you aimed for. Bull’s eye!”



5 stars! Her buttery smooth reads, with funny characters and captivating humor, once again lands Katherine Center among my favorite of all authors.”



This is the book I didn’t know I needed right now. I feel in love with this story from beginning to end, I never wanted to stop listening! This is my second Katherine Center book and I don’t know why I haven’t picked up more books written by her yet because I loved them both. She just knows how to write a swoony, sweet and romantic book.”



“Reading it was like sipping a mug of hot chocolate, delicious and comforting.”



Katherine Center infused every page with the kind of wit, charm, and love that makes you laugh along with Sadie, cry with her, feel angry along with (and for!) her, and, of course, root for her as she overcomes every clever obstacle to find the happiness she deserves.”



I loved everything about Hello Stranger. Author Katherine Center has created a perfect romance and an impossible to put down book that combines characters and conflict in a way that has readers cheering for Sadie almost from the beginning as she falls in love without realizing it. Center has done something hard to do in romance. Readers knows exactly what’s happening but the main character doesn’t, and when she finally figures out the truth, we can’t help but cheer.”



OK, wow. If you loved The Bodyguard, you HAVE to read this one. It had drama, angst, love, loss. All of the things and they all wrapped up so nicely and flowed seamlessly throughout this entire book. Sadie is one of the most relatable characters I’ve ever read, and that might be why I loved this one so much. I highly highly recommend reading this one!!”



Oh Katherine Center…how do I love thee?! Your stories are wonderful, inspiring, beautiful and swoony. They are hopeful and joyful and always full of heart. Hello Stranger is all of these…and then some.”



I loved this book! It was funny, it was real, it was heartbreaking, it was all the emotions. Sadie has been through it. Life has happened and she is going with it and doing her best. Go on this journey with her! Laugh with her, feel the feelings with her, and everything in between!”



“Hello Stranger is the heart-warming, hopeful story that you need in your life right now.”



Each one of Katherine Center’s books is like a treasured gift. They are not just romance novels though the swoon factor is definitely off the charts. They make you feel good inside, make you believe that no matter what life throws at you, you will be okay. Hello Stranger is no exception. Full of humor, romance, and touchingly true insights, this book is soul food.”



This book was EVERYTHING and so much more.”



“I’m in my pajanket getting the vapors, fanning myself while reading the ending of this book, LOL! Another Katherine Center book that had me at Hello. I love Katherine’s writing style, it’s like a conversation with your best friend—ugly crying then laughing because your friend knows you so well, they can get you to laugh like no one else can. This story was emotionally satisfying and delightfully clever.”



Can I give a book a million stars? Because Hello Stranger deserves them ALL! I’m still buzzing with the joy that comes from finishing this lovely book that completely swept me off my feet from cover to cover.”



I HIGHLY recommend this read for the laughs, tears (yes, tears), heartwarming romance, and encouragement to adjust your own perspective on the relationships in your life.”



This book was absolutely fantastic! I discovered Katherine Center this year and this book did not disappoint! The banter in this book is unmatched. I laughed out loud multiple times! Peanut was for sure my favorite character and provided much comic relief. The character development is so rich and immersive. The plot was very unique and had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning. I feel we can all learn a little something about perspective from this book, and how noticing what is around us, and paying attention, can completely change the narrative.”



“Hello Stranger is a gripping audiobook that left a lasting impression on me.”



This was such a fun, easy read. It was funny, frustrating, heartwarming, and just ahhhhh! I did guess the big twist at the end, but the anticipation was *chef’s kiss* Like Katherine Center says in her Author’s Note, “This love story really created fantastic anticipation.” Also, as a Korean American, I loved the little bits of Korean culture she added to the book. I loved every minute of this book and rated it 5/5 stars. If you like love triangles, close proximity, family drama, and/or dogs, this is a MUST read.”



Well, you can never go wrong with a Katherine Center novel. Center has the uncanny ability to create a book so comforting that you don’t want to put it down but also don’t want it to end.”



The novel is funny, delightful and bittersweet. The central character is written so well and the ending is so satisfying — Katherine Center has written another great romance. 5 stars!”



“Katherine Center CAN DO NO WRONG! Truly. ❤️ What I love the most is how hopeful Center’s books are. They always give me such an optimistic view of life and a desire to try harder, to see the bright side, and to never give up on hope.”



It’s heartwarming, witty, all around refreshing in storyline and writing. Katherine Center has quickly become one of my favorite authors, and love what she’s doing for this genre. She always makes you think. I finished this book several days ago and still find myself thinking about the ending or other moments in between. That’s the sure sign of a good book, friends.”



“This story was emotionally satisfying and delightfully clever.”



“This book is the latest in a long line of absolute tear your heart out, gorgeous, swoony romances. The best thing about her books is that the heroines always learn to love themselves just as much as they fall in love with the most perfect men. Safe to say I am OBSESSED with this book now. OH, also, do not miss the Author’s Note on this one! She writes such a passionate, intelligent defense of romance as the superior genre, and it is a delight to read.”



You can always trust Katherine Center to give you story to hit right in the feels.”



“Wow. Hello Stranger is an utterly compelling & entertaining & giddy anticipation-filled read. As always, Katherine Center managed to make me feel so many different emotions at once. From the first chapter all the way to the author’s note . . . Katherine Center’s books always leave me feeling a bit awestruck. I feel uplifted, I feel like I learned something, I feel the joy of having found and truly delighted in a really good story.”



I absolutely was mesmerized by this novel! I truly can’t wait to own a copy for my shelves. As soon as I finish this review I’m reading it again!! This book deserves all the stars, accolades, and love. Charming, captivating and unforgettable! 5 stars!!!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



MAGIC!! Katherine Center did it again. I love, love! Katherine weaves a story you literally can’t put down! It’s just so refreshing to read a book that fills your heart. I laughed, I cried and even learned.”



This is a story about healing and finding love. The plot was unique and the characters were lovable, including Peanut the dog. It’s romantic and whimsical with the perfect mixture of hope and happiness.”



Katherine Center is the queen of romance.”



I’m at a loss for words. Katherine, how did you write such a beautiful book?!”



Sadie was also just such a relatable character facing the same struggles that so many of us face, and I just wanted to reach out and hug her and become her friend. I loved every second of this book and if you are a Center fan, you will too!”



I simply adore Katherine Center books! I have read at least five and each one is better than the last one I read, if that is even possible. Try as hard as I might, I am unable to pick a favorite — they are all my favorites! It’s easy to devour her books because they are just so delicious, delightful and deeply satisfying. You will always find wit, sincerity and wisdom in Ms. Center’s words and an uplifting story that will fill your heart.”



Such a beautiful story about triumph in the most difficult of times. Absolutely loved it. 5 stars!”



“I absolutely loved this story!! Katherine Center is now an auto-buy author for me. The way she weaves a story together is beautiful. It kept me interested the entire time, but also had some twists in the end that I was not expecting. I love when a romance has a bit of mystery throughout. This novel was exceptionally entertaining. The characters were well-developed. The plot was different than anything else I’ve read before. I didn’t want to do anything else but focus on this story until it was finished.”



“It’s truly top tier rom-com conversation. I found myself giggling out loud on multiple occasions..”



“Can I give a book more than five stars? This one needs ALL of them! It’s perfection on paper!”



I think I read it in two days which is the fastest I’ve read a book in months. I loved the story, the characters, and when the pieces started to slot together it was so satisfying!”



“Honestly, if I could give this book more than five stars I would. It is and was exactly what I needed to read at this moment. I wish more contemporary romance could be like Hello Stranger. I feel like words cannot fully showcase how much I needed to read this novel, and at this specific moment in time. Thank you Katherine Center for creating such a poignant and important story. For giving us the positively valanced and fantastic anticipation which makes this novel one of the best of the romance genre.”



“I loved everything about this book. If you’re looking for a heartfelt, feel-good story that has a strong female lead with a fun love triangle and also an elderly dog that probably eats better than any human, this is the book for you!”



I enjoyed this book immensely; it was heartwarming, thoughtful, funny, and relatable. The main character, Sadie, is so likeable and deals realistically with the challenges in her life; I was rooting for her from the start and laughing along with the zaniness of her adventures. If you want a sweet and charming read that you’ll devour, this is the book for you!”



“The kind of book that’s unforgettable contains a tangible magic you can’t explain, you just have to experience. Hello Stranger is that type of book. It’s simply storytelling magic.”



This is my third Katherine Center read and they just keep getting better! Oh how she makes me swoon! What I love most is that Katherine Center layers this story so well with things happening left and right but it is never overwhelming. One chapter I am hating the “mutton muncher” in the elevator and pretty quickly I am falling for the guy switching off the breaker to end a party. From the jump I knew this would be 5 stars.”



I’m not going to lie – this book had me grinning from ear to ear by the end.”



I devoured this! The unique plot and the unforgettable characters, particularly the kind and very relatable Sadie, pulled me in immediately. I was at turns laughing, crying, cheering, mad and swooning, and always deeply invested. Even though handled with a light touch, this book makes you think as Center addresses some big themes, including how we often dismiss or take in pieces of information and validate our various opinions, including how we “see” others. Center is an amazing writer, and this is a captivating, magical book and so full of heart. Center says in her Author’s Note that romances bring anticipation and hope, and ‘this love story really created fantastic anticipation.’ And I couldn’t agree more!”



I knew I would love this book because the author is Katherine Center!”



Every time Katherine Center comes out with a new book, it becomes my new favorite. And this one was no exception. Her writing is light and breezy, and even when bad things are happening, you feel hopeful. This was a great story. It had grief and hardship, but also warmth and humor. It was informative, but also swoony and quirky! It was just a joy to read.”



This was such a beautiful and unique book. It explores the concept of grief, perseverance, boldness, truth & love. This is Katherine Center at her best.”



“There’s no other word to describe this book than pure joy.”



I must, of course, begin this review with the resounding acknowledgment that ‘Katherine Center has done it again!’ But it feels too trite and, quite frankly, like an understatement. Truthfully, Center did not do it again. She never does. Because with each book, she transcends. I began reading Center’s work in March of 2020, when my flavor for dystopian thrillers soured as the world around me turned into an actual dystopia. Finding Center’s books was like finding warmth in the cold. And that’s what each of her books has been for me since. But Hello Stranger takes comfort to the next level.”



Katherine Center is one of those authors who brings us hope when all seems lost and she’s done it again with HELLO STRANGER.”



“Just….. oh my god. Oh my god this beautiful amazing unique never been done before book. Holy shit. I wish I had the words to explain how much Sadie’s journey captivated me. Her struggle with her grief with losing her mother, which made me feel incredibly seen and made me feel like I had my heart ripped out, but also her love story. Her ability to believe in being helped and being loved by the end, to believe in herself and to believe in the good things in the world. This book was so incredibly funny, heartbreaking and beautiful.”



I want to give this book ONE MILLION STARS! Hands down it is now my favourite and I have read all her books. She and this book are at the top of my list for 2022.”



Katherine Center has done it again with another heartfelt novel that made my eyes leak on more than one occasion. If you’ve not read a Katherine Center novel before, it’s so important to know that her characters are often indescribably endearing. Hers are the types of novels that leave you wishing the characters were someone you could meet in everyday life.”



Katherine Center is an automatic buy for me. I love everything she writes, this was no exception. This has a great twist and was an absolute joy to read!! The characters were relatable and complex. The plot was well thought out and written perfectly!! Well done!!”



S-W-O-O-N. That spells *I freaking loved this adorable, charming, delightful, lovely, warm-hug-of-a-book!*”



I’m not sure I have ever finished a book and felt such immense joy. Please read this book, because we all need more joy and hope in our lives.”



Katherine Center writes books with heart and Hello Stranger is no exception. This one left me feeling hopeful and ready to do good in the world. Grateful to have read this one!”



When I start a new Katherine Center book I know to turn off my phone, cancel appts.,find a comfy spot and just read. I say this every time but this is my new favorite. Katherine creates characters that are nuanced, real, and fascinating. Her romances are always a cut above the ordinary with unusual plots, wonderful characters, and a joy to her writing that always comes through. This is a wonderful romance book I can easily start reading a second time.”



Katherine Center has done it again—a heartwarming, sit down and read in one session type of book. A must read for anyone looking for a rom com this summer.”



Seriously, If you’re looking for something comfortable and comforting, something pleasing to the senses and oh-so-satisfying, congratulations, you’ve found it! Grab a copy and get cozy. You are about to be thoroughly entertained. Simply put, I adored every page of it, so much so that I’m signing with review with a squeal. Squeal!”



I am a fan of Katherine Center. I read very little romance, but I always make a point to seek out her new books. Reading each one is like unwrapping a delicious candy and savoring it until the very end.”



“This book was absolutely amazing! I laughed, I cried and I cheered for Sadie. I read this entire book in one sitting staying up until 1am reading. Sadie, Joe and Peanut will be living rent free in my mind forever. This is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time!”



OH. EM. GEEEEE. Katherine Center NEVER fails me!”



I should start by telling you that I love Katherine Center (no, we’ve never met) and I would read the phone book if those still existed and she re-wrote it into a story. The stories she tells are always a mix of heartwarming and realistic, with a dash of humor and adventure peppered in, and 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 was no exception.”


The only problem I have with starting a Katherine Center book is that I know once I start reading, I won’t want it to end.”



Reading Hello Stranger was, for me, the literary equivalent of sipping a steaming cup of English breakfast tea while curled up in cozy pajamas in front of a crackling fire. This novel by master storyteller Katherine Center sparked hope and joy. It inspired me to try on different perspectives. It caused me to keep turning pages past my bedtime. It introduced me to a medical condition about which I previously knew practically nothing. And above all, it was soul nourishing. I loved it!”



I am furious at myself for waiting this long to read a Katherine Center book. #romanticcomedygold I will definitely be reading more from her ASAP.”



This book has everything a perfect Katherine Center book has: character development, hope, healing, connection, love, and it’s PERFECT 😍❤️🥰 this story was so interesting and new. I loved it!!”



Just updating this review to say after 3 weeks of thinking about it if I could I’d give this book 6 stars because I just loved it to much. ❤️”



Sadie’s journey is officially one of my all-time favorites! I think my favorite part of Katherine Center’s books is that I can read them over and over (which I have totally done) and pick up on little details I catch the second (or third or fourth) time around. I knew this book was going to be five out of five stars for me before I began, and it went beyond every expectation I had. Can I please give it more than five stars? Because it was absolutely beautiful and wonderful, and I can’t wait to read it again!”



I’m still smiling just thinking about this book.”



“Katherine Center can do no wrong! I read this book in less that 24 hours. It’s a classic KC book that will give you all the feels.”



This is one of those books you’ll curl up with for a couple of hours and soon discover it’s the middle of the night.”



Katherine Center has done it again!! Already an auto read author for me, her books are always warm and inviting. She has a talent for taking things most people take for granted and showing us, with a swift kick in the behind, how much we are missing out on. This book leaves readers feeling the warm and fuzzies with a side dose of ‘don’t forget to see and appreciate the things around you.'”



Absolutely wonderful. Like, REALLY wonderful. I loved every single word of this entire book and cannot wait to reread it in the future. I stayed up too late and woke up early, eager to continue reading about Sadie.”



If you are looking for a book that has a whole lot of humor, swoony romantic vibes, fantastic main and supporting characters, and a whole lot of heart, this is the book for you. I would give it 10 stars if I could. Somehow Center always manages to speak to my soul.”



Brilliant! Sweet, sad and funny, I didn’t guess everything until the end!”



This book is an absolute delight. If you are looking for a rom-com that will keep you turning the page, giggling to yourself as you read, and feeling all the most warm and cozy feelings (despite whatever you may be going through in your own life)— this is the one for you!”



Once again Katherine Center strikes a great balance of angst, comedy, hope and love. If life had permitted I would have read this book in a day.”



WOW this book was absolutely incredible. I loved it so much I could shout it from the rooftop! Sadie’s story is heartbreaking, heartwarming & the slow-burn romance was just beautiful. I can’t recommend this book enough.”



If you want to feel ‘all the feels’ please read this and everything else by Center. I always feel so hopeful and happy when I finish her novels and Hello Stranger did not disappoint. These are truly “feel good” books. I know when I need some help in that department, I can come here, and Center will be there for me & I will soon . . . feel good.”



Katherine Center keeps you enthralled in her storylines and makes the most romantic stories that you with devour and want to reread just to have all the feelings again, over and over!”



“Katherine Center has and always will be an ‘abandon anything I’m reading until I’m finished with her book’ author for me. Hello Stranger did not disappoint. I could not read this fast enough. I laughed, I yelled, I cried, I did a Breakfast Club fist pump.”



“5 stunning stars! Katherine Center is a ‘drop-everything’ author for me. When I was offered the chance to read her newest book, that’s exactly what I did! All other books were pushed aside, and I savored this read! If there was a way to give it 15 stars I would! I toyed with immediately re-reading it, but I think I will save that for a day when I need to reclaim joy!”



I got so wrapped up in the story that I forgot I was reading.”



Oh. My. Goodness. WHAT A BOOK! I absolutely devoured this book and I can’t wait for everyone else to be able to enjoy it! This book is absolutely amazing. The ending made my jaw DROP! Katherine Center knocked it out if the park!”



If you are looking for a book that has great depth but also makes you happy, makes you feel hopeful about life and humanity, then Katherine Center is the author you need to read. I can’t express enough how this author is truly out there delivering hope and joy to the world. And Hello Stranger is her best yet. What I love about Katherine Center, in general, and specifically with this book, is her ability to make me truly SEE people and situations in a way that really connects me to humanity. I always come away feeling like I’ve grasped some deep and valuable truth about life—and laughing, crying and swooning my way through it all.”



This book is now one of my favorite romance books. It’s basically the epitome of romcoms. It was so beautifully perfect. It has such heart and soul in it. I loved Sadie’s voice and character from the very beginning. She’s snarky, funny, sweet, and a little broken, kind of like all of us.”



Katherine Center does it again. She pulls at my heartstrings and makes me connect with all her characters. This book explores grief, perseverance, boldness, truth & love. You will be in for a ride! Sadie’s journey is funny, delightful, and bittersweet. Hello Stranger was everything I wanted in a book, and I adored every second of it.”



“Everything she writes is just so positive and makes you feel better after reading it.”



I realized at the end of this book that I had been smiling for countless pages, and that’s the best way to describe how I felt about Hello Stranger!”



Katherine Center has done it again. I’m a huge fan of her books, and she always manages to write the most heartfelt, beautifully told stories. This one might be my new favorite. Have you ever experienced a book where you want to slow down, take in every word, and savor it? At the same time, you can’t stop reading because you just have to know what happens. This was that book for me, and I devoured it in a day because I just couldn’t help it.”



Another absolutely beautiful book from Katherine Center.”



It is so refreshing to find a romantic story that has not been done be for. And a seriously legitimate reason for the miscommunication. And character development that shows our heroine will be just fine if she doesn’t end up with the guy. If you are a romance fan, this is a must read.”



I don’t give out 5 stars a lot, I have to have really loved the book, and the characters. And this book did it for me. I will be thinking about this book and the ending for a long time and it will definitely be a top recommendation for me!!!”



This story made me so proud of Sadie and was such an intersting perspective on love and life. I might even say this is my new favorite Katerine Center book—and we know she’s written some great ones!”



What a cute story! I absolutely loved this book. This was my first time reading a book by Katherine Center, but after this one I’m hooked. I loved the characters, the writing style, the humor, and the twist at the end . . . It was all just so emotional, romantic, sweet, funny, and all the other adjectives. I really can’t say enough good things about it. I love that it was a heartwarming romance, but it didn’t shy away from the deeper topics and emotions either.”



“I want to give this book ONE MILLION STARS! Hands down it is now my favourite and I have read all her books.”



I just love Katherine Center’s books. My only complaint is that this one wasn’t long enough.”



I stayed up into the wee hours of this morning reading, deciding that when I couldn’t keep my eyes open that I was permitted to get some sleep. I rarely do that anymore but I just couldn’t put this book down. Hello Stranger is one of those novels where I felt myself smiling at intervals because it made me happy and definitely made me laugh. This is the book we all need when we want joy and a warm hug—in novel form. A literally literary feel good story.”



This book literally had me smiling, laughing, crying, and reevaluating my life and current headspace. I really enjoy the author’s level of depth and research. that goes into her books. Her characters are always so relatable, and she always does a fantastic job of giving you enough information to have you eating out of her hand but also keeping you in the dark about the true purpose of the journey you are on. This book is no exception. Dare I say that this book is my favorite read for this year so far!”



Katherine Center has done it again! I’ve read all of this author’s books and while I’ve loved all of them, I have to say that this was my favorite!”



I love, love, loved this book! I loved the premise. I loved the characters. I loved the narrative. I loved the author’s note at the end. I loved Mr. and Mrs. Kim. I loved everything about this book. It flowed so well for me and was so easy and exciting to read.”



Easily my new favorite book 🤩❤️”



My new favorite Katherine Center book! Katherine Center offers us a heart warming, HUG of a story, filled with her trademark humor—and dancing! And, it was EXACTLY what I needed!”



What an absolutely delightful read!! This novel is a brilliant piece of art! This story is so brilliant in its concept—and even when you ‘figure it out’ you simply cannot put it down.”



As always, Katherine Center can do no wrong.”



Sadie Montgomery is my kind of woman. The opening scene has her dancing and singing Smokey Robinson in the convenient store aisle while buying wine and dogfood for her beloved pet, Peanut. I knew we would quickly become literary BFFs from that moment. Watching Sadie cope with her new diagnosis while refusing to surrender her artistic dream was a beautiful journey full of laughs, tears, and hope.”



With its top-tier banter, rich emotion, and the hopeful anticipation of happily ever after that it inspires, I can confidently say that it’s one my all-time favorite reads.”



“Well, this was just an absolute delight of a read. I adore the stories Katherine Center writes, and this was one of my faves. When I read her stories, I find I can’t read them fast enough, and I’m also sad when they’re over and wish it hadn’t ended so quickly! What I love most is the unique premise she has her story. Relationships are at the center of what she writes, but the way they develop is so captivating. This was just a book that had me drawn in with the emotions of Sadie’s experience, and I was rooting for her so, so hard. Also, there is a reflection about romance novels at the end of this one by the author that is a must-read essay.”



Hello Stranger by Katherine Center is one of the best books I’ve read this year!”



One of the things I love most about Katherine Center’s writing is that she weaves a story with dimensions. You don’t just get a love story, you don’t just have a trauma, you get the full picture of what it is like to be a broken person figuring out life. All of her books break you and then put you back together.”



I’m in love with Katherine Centers’ plots. In Hello stranger an aspiring artist life blows up in a matter of weeks and she’s left figuring out how to put the pieces back together. Figuratively and literally because she can’t recognize anyone’s face. From the first chapter I knew I was going to enjoy this read. I loved the theme of being forced to look at life differently, wether that be the strangers you’ll never see again or the people who’ve been in front of you the entire time.”



Wow, this book phenomenal! I cried through half of it. But it left me so incredibly happy with the ending.”


“It was beautiful. Just plain beautiful. I think I’m obsessed with Katherine Center.”



LOVED this book!! Katherine Center has quickly become a favorite author of mine. She could rewrite the phone book and I’d read it! Her talent for writing heartfelt romcoms that are relatable and realistic is truly sensational. I am always smiling when I finish one of her books. The positivity that she portrays in her novels is simply joyful and contagious.”



Perfection. I loved this book! I live for Katherine Center books, and I was ecstatic got an early copy of this one! I love every character Katherine creates especially her female leads! All her ladies are perfectly imperfect, charming, funny, lovable and their inner monologues are amazing. I love how the romances are not always the star of her stories and you got so much more depth and plot in her books. The plot here was so unique and interesting and the family relationships themes are top notch! This book was so emotional and uplifting and left me even shedding a few happy tears.”



While I might be biased, as I love a good Katherine Center love story, this one hit it out of the ballpark. I LOVE LOVE LOVED this unique story about Sadie.”



Friends. Romans. Countrymen. This might be my new favorite Katherine Center novel. The absolute amount of sheer joy I had while reading was astronomical—Sadie is hilarious as a protagonist down on her luck when she is diagnosed with face blindness as her work is featured in an upcoming portrait painting contest. And I flat out SWOONED multiple times at the anticipation that Center has crafted in this novel. I’m not sad that the audio ARC is over, because I’m buying a physical copy the second it’s released and rereading it over and over again.”



I’m fairly new to Katherine Center but I have to say, after reading this booking I’m going to go through her whole back list. I ADORED THIS BOOK. It was fantastic. This is a must read for 2023. Now I’m off to read some more Katherine Center.”



“10*stars! I can’t describe in words how much I loved this book. You feel like you received a big hug after you’re done with it. So many beautiful lessons and so many beautiful feelings that you get from reading it.”


“This book, man. To say I loved it wouldn’t be completely truthful. I am in love—truly, madly, deeply—with this book.”



Honestly I NEEDED this book. It was so heartfelt and laugh out loud funny, but the story had SO many layers to it. KC really knows how to steep a story with interesting, empathy-inducing situations. And the characters are never surface-level, one dimensional.”



Katherine Center has done it again. She’s a master of the pull into a book. The angle to grab and keep you reading, not wanting to set it down. (I read this in a day!) The story was super creative and lovable, and really dug in deep to make you rethink your own world.”



This book was everything I needed and more.”



Katherine Center is a reader’s author. She lets her characters become vivid and real. They not only jump off the page to show that they are people we all know or wish to know, but they choose to do what we, as readers, are hoping and cheering for them to do. They are all-in, flawed, unique, and totally believable.”



This book confirmed one thing (that didn’t need much confirmation), I love Katherine Center and I hope she never stops writing quirky books that make me cry and laugh and want to be her friend. Katherine has a way of weaving deep tragedy with a lightness that makes you feel like hope is always on the horizon. I love that her books never shy away from the hard topics of life, but that she faces them so ferociously. This is one you’re not going to want to miss!”



This book is pure sugar, swoon-worthy, and I truly did not want it to end. You need to put it on your radar now!”



Katherine Center is an absolute favorite author of mine and Hello Stranger further solidifies this. Everything about this story is classic of Katherine’s work – a strong heroine who’s been dealt a journey through mud, a story full of hope and the delicious anticipation of a happily ever after. But that doesn’t mean it was predictable at all. At all. I can honestly say in all the books I’ve read, I’ve never read a story like this one with a heroine with the same challenges and experiences as Sadie and a hero so multifaceted. I devoured this book in less than a day and felt so joyful when the story wrapped but also totally bereft that it was over. The story definitely took a few unexpected turns. What a blissful and binge-worthy read! Well worth the sacrificed sleep.”



Ms. Center has come up with most amazingly creative concept for a book I have seen in quite a while. I devoured this book in less than one day and couldn’t put it down. I was riveted watching Sadie navigate her life through this new unknown. The way the author wrapped it up surprised me in a way I never saw coming. Bravo!”



Katherine Center never disappoints and her latest, Hello Stranger might be my very favorite! She has such a way with words that makes the reader feel every single emotion and feel like they are part of the story. This book will have you turning page after page from the beginning to the end. Highly recommend!”



Katherine Center gets it right every time. This book is sweet, funny, serious, sexy, and meaningful.”



This book! If you’re still considering, just go for it! I couldn’t put it down! It’s a sweet book that made me keep guessing what was gonna happen until the end. I love the little twist even though you start guessing the end it’s still such a good feeling in your heart when you read it. I love Katherine Center Books and I wish I could sign up for a fan club or something! Ever since I read ‘How to Walk Away’ I felt in love with the way she writes, and then came ‘Things You Save in a Fire’ and then ‘Bodyguard’ this year and it just gets better every book.”



She did it again! This is only my second novel I read from Katherine Center but it’s just as amazing as The Bodyguard. I love how unique this concept is and it felt so fresh especially for the romance category.”



I’ve loved every book by Katherine Center. She’s an amazing writer!”



Katherine Center gets it right every time. This book is sweet, funny, serious, sexy, and meaningful. Every time I read one of her books, I know I’m going to get a great story, some fun romance, and a lesson. Tears were shed, I snort laughed, and I commit to asking for help (or at least accepting) help when I need it!”



Another winner from Katherine Center!”



Katherine Center does it again! Hello Stranger pulled me in and I couldn’t read it fast enough. This book will be another hit because Katherine Center knows how to write about hope and finding happiness during challenging times. Her books reach in and tug at my heart strings and make me think about the kind of person I am and who I want to be.”



This is the best book ever *sobs hugely* 😭”



I just finished this book and immediately needed to write this review. I am so sorry for everyone who doesn’t get the chance to read this one early, as it is a long wait til the July 2023 release, but it will be worth it! This story was wonderful! I binged this in one sitting and it was completely worth it. Beautifully written and filled with just enough angst and romance (closed-door) to have me really rooting Sadie and her future.”



“This is one of my most favorite contemporary authors. This book was no exception! The character Sadie had so much going against her and just kept plowing along with love of her beloved dog, Peanut! I will think about this book for quite some time.”



“I am a lover of all books Katherine Center. This book was enlightening, real, and just absolutely heartwarming. So well done by Katherine Center, yet again. A top pick for 2023!”



Another all-the-feels winner from Katherine Center! I was hooked on Sadie’s story on page 1 and engrossed in the story throughout. I often caught myself smiling or laughing aloud at the fantastic banter, at which Center excels. Center’s writing was often so vivid and cinematic that I could effortlessly envision the scenes she created and described.”



I loved the lighthearted take on heavy, deep, human things like love, dreams, forgiveness, and belonging. This book was like nourishing comfort food to me, and I think it will meet with great success!”



Katherine Center is a master at delivering stories filled with interesting characters facing difficult situations with courage and strength and lifting her readers up.”



I’ve read this author before and I have to say this is by far my favorite of hers to date. The characters were so well written, it was so interesting, and I just loved it.”



This was everything I wanted in a book. I ADORED it. Sadie was so relatable and Joe the neighbour was to DIE FOR. Let’s not forget about those plot twists and turns AHHH IM OBSESSED. I will never forget about this book. This will always hold a place in my heart.”



“Once again Katherine Center has hit it outta the park! There’s humor, unique characters, and the absolute BEST Author’s Note at the end.”



Center Strikes Again. This is another feel-good story from Center that takes an unusual situation and uses it to show how even suddenly-forced differences can be used to tremendous effect—without ever feeling like she is white-washing the difficulties of the given condition at hand. Indeed, Center goes into detail showing the various struggles here, but also how they can be overcome and adapted to. Along the way, we also get a strong and relatable tale of finding yourself and finding what truly matters to you… and some pretty hilarious sequences as well. Very much recommended. “



Everything comes to a complete stop when a new Katherine Center book is released. My #1, must read, comfort books.”



Katherine Center books are my absolute favorite and I was BEYOND excited to get this one early! And it was absolutely no surprise that this one was another 5 star favorite for me! It was a complete joy to read from start to finish, even though it definitely covered some heavier topics and pulled at the heart strings.”



The book itself was delightful. Just as all her books have been. I absolutely love her style of writing. I love the witty banter. I love the female leads. I love that I feel like I’m learning something with each book. I love the mental processing of the main character and how “in their head” they are. You really get an image of the pain they are struggling through and then you get to feel all the hope!”



I 100% recommend this book and don’t miss the amazing author’s note at the end.”



I’ll only read for a few more minutes . . . the famous last words of any bookworm, and in my case, were said last night. I had started Hello, Stranger and wanted to get just a little bit more before I went to bed. Naturally, I stayed up late until I finished it, being unable to put it down. It’s been awhile since I did that with a book, which I guess is just a testament to how much I enjoyed this story. Center has a way of marrying the mundane with the comical with the outlandish to create a story that is nothing short of pure sweetness. Hello, Stranger was no different.”



“Trust me when I say this book is a total gem and will leave you feeling hopeful, which as the author points out at the end, is exactly why we read romance and rom-com novels to begin with.”



“I will never forget about this book. This will always hold a place in my heart.”



I loved it. Katherine Center can do no wrong. She remains an autobuy for me. Read this in one sitting the day I got it!”



With every book I read from Center, the more and more I fall in love with her writing and stories. There are few books that can keep me up way past my bedtime, and this was one of those…I just couldn’t stop reading it, even as the tears kept filling my eyes!”



I needed a book with hope and this was it.”



Katherine Center is an immediate read for me. I’ve read every book she’s written, so my loyalty runs deep. Prior to this book, her stories followed certain patterns. They were all unique, but they had a similar feel. The same rhythm. Hello Stranger is wildly different. The plot was so unique. You know this is going to be a HEA romance, but getting there had me reading almost compulsively.”



Katherine Center books are always a joy to read.”



Honestly, I didn’t think anything could beat The Bodyguard, Katherine Center’s most recent release. I was wrong—I just stayed up until 1 AM, reading Hello Stranger in one sitting! I adored everything about this book: the protagonist, the love interests, the pup (I’m a sucker for any book with pets)! Would strongly recommend to any person who loves a sweet romance.”



Katherine Center just makes my heart happy! Most of her books make me smile despite some hard things that she writes about, and Hello Stranger is no different. Fun, funny, and delightful! A must read if you want to be optimistic about people and life!”



Another Katherine Center win! This was an adorably tragic rom com and I devoured every second of it, as quickly as possible! Her way of writing is so easy to get into & I look forward to every story she writes! This one definitely doesn’t disappoint. Just read it if you want a smile.”



Ms. Center does a wonderful job guiding us through Sadie’s emotional journey and all the highs and lows along the way with her core spirit that never lets her give up. This is a must-read.”



Oh, man. I haven’t read a Katherine Center book in a while. I’d forgotten that her books generally begin with something hard and tragic. I’d forgotten how very well she researches whatever tragic thing she’ll write about and I’d forgotten how marvelously she develops characters you can love or hate or root for. This book was just as lovely as her other stories. I was surprised in the end and so pleased with how everything turned out. She has such a gift for writing romance that’s sweet and swoony, but also real and hopeful. This book is going on my favorites shelf.”



This is a fantastic, quirky but heart-tugging story of friendship, kindness to strangers, stubbornness, art, pets, and love. The love story unfolded in an unexpected manner, with terrifically immersive scenes, and the ENDING! It was a surprising, romantic delight and a great new way to do a black moment/climax for a romance.”



This is my first time reading Katherine Center and I can assure you it WILL NOT be my last. I loved every single thing about this book including the author’s note in the back about novels. I thought this book was absolutely brilliant! A 5 star read for sure.”



I haven’t read many books that make me feel the way this one made me feel. So much more than just another romance book. It was fun, cute and hopeful. Made me laugh out loud and smile all the time. Truly made me feel happy.”



“In a world where gloom is often easier to find than sunshine, I’ll take Katherine Center’s happy endings every day of the week.”



Five stars is not enough for this book. I’m not even sure that ten would be enough. I’m a huge fan of this author, and I can confidently say that this is her best book yet.”



There was so much to take away from the book and from Sadie. I can‘t remember any romance book that ever inspired me to follow my dream and to keep pushing no matter what the universe throws at me and I really needed to hear this right now! Honestly, I would read about anything by Katherine Center at this point! This book was just magical!”



Katherine Center infused every page with the kind of wit, charm, and love that makes you laugh along with Sadie, cry with her, feel angry along with (and for!) her, and, of course, root for her as she overcomes every clever obstacle to find the happiness she deserves.”



I’m giving Hello Stranger all the stars for giving me all the feels! I’ve already decided that I’m destined to love anything that Katherine Center writes, but Hello Stranger was even more than I was expecting.”



Just when I thought The Bodyguard was my favorite Kathrine Center book, she surprised me AGAIN with Hello Stranger! I don’t want to say too much in case I accidentally spoil it, but the topics, the banter, the friendship and romance was so well written!! If you get the chance, PLEASE read this book!”



There are just certain authors whose writing clicks with you – with your sense of humor and the way your brain connects words together. Katherine Center is one of those authors for me. Reading her books is such a fucking delight. I loved the wit that was woven throughout the narration and the characters.”



“Katherine Center does it again! I absolutely adored this book! It was so unique and beautifully written. Sadie is such a strong character that will have you falling in love with her. I loved reading her journey dealing with love, loss, and major life challenges.”



“I enjoyed every part of Hello Stranger! It was full of Katherine Center’s token charm, banter, and heartfelt emotion. Sadie was definitely a character to root for—I really empathized with her struggles and resonated with many aspects of her beliefs and personality, especially as she learned to accept help from others. I laughed, smiled, hurt, and loved right alongside her. I highly recommend this book!”



This was one of the easiest 5 star ratings I have given! I adore Katherine Center’s writing style and how each story has emotional depth, beautiful moments, and funny parts that make the reader laugh out loud.”



Katherine Center puts a twist on romance novels that keeps me wanting more. The way she can weave together unique challenge, heartbreaking struggles, and love into one beautiful book is magical.”



“This is a book that I will read over and over again.”



This is my sixth book by this delightful author. Her books are fun and hopeful and, because they fall into the romance genre, have happy endings. I highly recommend curling up in your ‘pajanket’ and treating yourself to this wonderful story because we could all use more hope and love in our lives.”



A new Katherine Center novel always promises to keep me up late the first night, wanting to read just one more chapter…. And this one woke me up early the next morning to finish it. “Hello Stranger” was a propulsive read.”



“Absolutely wonderful, heartwarming, hopeful, swoon-worthy, kept me up to late, can’t stop reading, sad it’s finished kind of book. Loved it. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to be uplifted.”



“Rarely do I reread any books, or parts of books more than once, but this one I have gone back about 3 times to reread the ending because I am not ready to move on to a new story yet. This book was full of hope, and anticipation and I absolutely adored it. Another amazing story from Katherine Center!”



Oh my goodness. Katherine Center does it again!! I have read all of her books so when I was able to read this one early, I was beyond excited! Her writing style is unlike any other because you literally feel as if you are friends with her characters. They come alive on the pages and you get sucked into their world. Just like her others, this is a MUST READ!!”



The anticipation of hope, the laugh-out-loud moments, the neighbor, the vet, the evil step-sister, the not-as-evil-as-you-thought step-mother–and so much more, kept me reading Katherine Center’s, Hello Stranger, non-stop. I’ve been a big fan of Center’s novels for several years now, and this one is now at the top of my list of favorites!”



This book was SUCH a delight.”



Okay, truth be known, Katherine Center wouldn’t know how to write a bad book! Hello Stranger made me laugh out loud and cheer from the sidelines. In her classic witty, thought provoking style, Katherine Center grabs you from the first page and dumps you at the end just waiting for her next book!”



I loved the body guard but omg this one is 1000x better. I couldn’t put it down from start to finish, needless to say, I didn’t even regret staying awake until 2:30 AM to finish it. I don’t even know where to start, the storyline is so original that it was refreshing and the characters and their overall development give you something to root for. Even though it wasn’t a “spicy” read, it was one of the best romance reads I’ve read in a while. This was a 10 out of 10 read for me.”



If it’s a Katherine Center book I’m going to drop everything and read it! I thought the plot of this book was interesting and refreshing…. Something new. It was sweet and smart, and I read it slowly because I didn’t want it to end.”

