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🌟 The HAPPINESS FOR BEGINNERS movie is here!!! 🌟

Check out the movie adaptation that hit Netflix’s GLOBAL TOP 10 in *81* countries around the world!!

An inspiring, hilarious, and heart-rending story of courage, resilience, and learning to be brave in love.

About The Book

Could she change the story of her life?

It was time. Helen Carpenter knew that. Thirty-two and divorced for a year, Helen knew it was time—past time—to pull herself together. She needed to do something wild and adventurous and completely out of character. Which is why she signed up for a wilderness survival course in Wyoming.

Thus begins the strangest adventure of Helen Carpenter’s well-behaved life: three weeks in a remote mountain range where she will survive a summer blizzard, a group of sorority girls, rutting season for the elk, and more than one infuriating man. Yet, despite the hardships and the indignities, the mountains bring their own wisdom to Helen’s life, somehow teaching her the very things she needs to learn. Like how to stand up for yourself. How being scared can make you brave. How the things you hold on to become the story of your life. And, maybe most of all, how sometimes you just have to get really, really lost before you even have a hope of being found.

  • bestselling author jillian medoff

    "Trust me; you'll feel this satisfying novel deep in your bones.”


  • bestselling author sarah pekkanen

    “Such a charming, heartfelt novel about a woman who needs to escape from her life in order to rebuild it. I read it all in one delicious gulp.”



    “Center has written a wonderful story, a fast-paced read with sharp, perfectly written dialogue."


  • Author Melissa Senate

    “Adding Happiness for Beginners to my all-time favorites list. Fun, moving, and honest, it's a gem of a novel about finding out just what you're made of.”


  • #1 bestselling author jenny lawson

    I folded down pages to go back to—and that's a sign of a great book: when I see something so true or profound that I know I need mark it.





"I simply loved this book. It was like a warm cup of tea with a cookie on the side for good measure. Comforting, sweet, a little bitter. Perfection. I could not put it down (literally, I read it in one sitting!). My mood is lifted, my heart light."




"I read it twice in two weeks because I loved it that much. READ IT."




"I LOVED this book. This was the book I wanted 'Wild' to be, but wasn't. I got it randomly from the library on Saturday, because the cover looked interesting. I finished it by Monday and I could not get enough! I have been waiting for a book like this (that I couldn't put down) for so long. I just loved it."




"I don't even know how to express my feelings about this book. I do know that I really adored this book! And honestly, I didn't even realize how much I NEEDED to read this book until I did. It's so well written, inspiring, full of heart, beautiful and memorable."




"I very rarely feel compelled to want to re-read a book, especially right after finishing it, but this one has me wanting to revisit it already. My only complaint about the book was that it ended."




"I have read every book Katherine Center has written and she keeps getting better. This is by far my favorite book of hers. I have enjoyed seeing her style develop. She's quirky and smart and real. I very much enjoy her books"




"If I could give this more than 5 stars, I would. I think this is one of those books that I will reread once a year. It just makes me so HAPPY. All. The. Stars. All. The. Feels."




"Super fun to read! Loved every minute of this sweet, relatable, laugh-out-loud, captivating page-turner!"




"This book was absolutely fantastic! I was hooked on the characters and the story from the very first page, and was pretty devastated when I reached the end because I needed (still do, actually) to know more. Also very thought provoking and makes you contemplate your own life, what you value, how you're living, etc. Highly recommended!"




"I loved EVERYTHING about this book! Definitely a favourite."




"This book is a read-in-one-sitting, can't-put-it-down, stay-up-all-night-reading kind of book."




"What a great read! Just absolutely loved this book! Very well written and the humor is perfectly interlaced with little nuggets of wisdom all throughout the story."




"I finished this book and bought a southwest flight for a solo hiking trip to Lake Tahoe California. lmao. It is THAT influential!"

Check out the connected story!

*WHAT YOU WISH FOR features Duncan Carpenter (Helen’s little brother) as one of the main characters!

It’s ten years later, and Duncan’s grown up a lot — maybe too much. Read all about it HERE!

Don’t miss the bridge story!

Go feast on this tender, bittersweet, romantic story—narrated in turns by Duncan, Jake, and Helen*—about the night that changed all of their lives forever.


Available RIGHT NOW as an audio bonus story at the end of the What You Wish For audiobook (narrated by Katherine, herself)—and in a printed version in the paperback of What You Wish for (on sale July 13, 2021!) If you already own the audiobook of What You Wish For, just re-download, and the newly-added bonus story should appear!!


*Jake and Helen are the main characters of Happiness For Beginners, and Duncan (Helen’s younger brother) is a main character in What You Wish For.

PRAISE FOR Happiness For Beginners

*An April Book Club Pick at InStyle

*An Emerging Authors Pick at TARGET

 *A Top Seller on the Macmillan home page in May!

*A Spa Week Daily Book Club Pick for May

*A Women’s Fiction Best Bet at Heroes and Heartbreakers

*A Rough and Rugged Reading Roundup pick at SheReads

*Featured in the Modern Mrs. Darcy 2015 Summer Reading Guide!


“[A] brilliant novel.”

Ellie Kemper (on The View)


“It’s a great book.”

Whoopi Goldberg (on The View)


“Katherine’s words just jump off the page.”

Ellie Kemper, on narrating the audioboook


“If you’re anything like us, you’ll read this book in one sitting.”



“This wise, delicious, page-turning novel won’t let you go. Katherine Center writes about falling down, growing up, and finding love like nobody else.”

Brené Brown, #1 NYT Bestselling Author of Daring Greatly


“Center has written a wonderful story, a fast-paced read with sharp, perfectly written dialogue. Her newest does exactly what we want a good novel to do, introduce us to characters who engage us and take us on a journey.

Carol Gladstein, BOOKLIST


“Explores heartbreak, triumph, and truth . . . a deliciously refreshing take on life that should be analyzed over brunch or in living rooms or on road trips – but always among friends.”

— The Houston Chronicle


“Center takes readers on a funny, surprising and insightful journey through stunning scenery and into the hearts of characters who are confused, occasionally immature and, just as often, genuinely courageous.”
—RT Book Reviews
“Happiness for Beginners is my favorite Katherine Center novel yet. I folded down pages to go back to–and that’s a sign of a great book: when I see something so true or profound that I know I need mark it.  It’s wonderful.  Could not put it down.”

— Jenny Lawson, New York Times bestselling author of Let’s Pretend This Never Happened


“Such a charming, heartfelt novel about a woman who needs to escape from her life in order to rebuild it. I read it all in one delicious gulp.”

— Sarah Pekkanen, author of The Opposite of Me


“Katherine Center has a unique talent for finding humor in the most unlikely scenarios—a brutal wilderness survival course, post-divorce depression, a family in turmoil. In the wholly refreshing Happiness for Beginners, she explores life’s messy moments with comic precision and proves that it is possible to make a fresh start—and find true love—in the midst of emotional disaster. Trust me; you’ll feel this satisfying novel deep in your bones.”

—Jillian Medoff, bestselling author of I Couldn’t Love You More 


“Adding HAPPINESS FOR BEGINNERS to my all-time favorites list. Fun, moving, and honest, it’s a gem of a novel about finding out just what you’re made of.”

—Melissa Senate, author of See Jane Date and The Love Goddess’ Cooking School


“HAPPINESS FOR BEGINNERS does what a story should do—introduces characters we want to know and then takes us on their unexpected journey to a new and braver life. Helen Carpenter is doing what needs to be done, and along the way she shows us how to be brave . . . when we need to be and when we want to be. When life doesn’t give Helen what she believes she wants, she journeys into the wilderness to find what she needs, and we are with her every step of the way. Center’s witty, honest and compassionate storytelling opens us to new ways of feeling and trusting, just as her character is doing the same.”

Patti Callahan Henry, author of And Then I Found You and The Stories We Tell


“Katherine Center has a true gift for creating a story arc that includes personal evolution, romance, challenges, disappointments, and joy in a way that avoids cliche and creates enough ebbing tension and resolution that the reader is left hungering for more.”

— Christine Koh, Boston Mamas


“Center’s fifth book, Happiness for Beginners focuses on a woman in the midst of self-discovery. It’s funny and sad, poignant and blunt at the same time.”

The Houston Press


“[The] charming new novel, Happiness for Beginners, is the perfect reason to spend rainy Sunday afternoons in one’s pajamas.”

Houstonia Magazine


“[Center] is one of my favorite authors, mainly because she has such an amusing and engaging voice. Reading one of her novels is like going on a short trip with one of your warmest and wittiest friends..”

— Karin Gillespie, author of Earthly Pleasures


“Like all of Katherine Center’s books, Happiness for Beginners has a heart of gold. Wise, charming and laugh-out-loud funny, readers will love this book.”

— Jane Estes, Lark & Owl Booksellers


“A fun, entertaining read that has a lot to say about our preconceived notions of others. And of ourselves.”

—Lone Star Literary Life


L to R: Czech edition • German edition • Ukranian edition • Original US cover • Bulgarian edition




I love Katherine Center. I love her stories. I love the characters she develops and hate leaving them behind. I love her dialogue that makes me laugh out loud. I love how I feel when I finish her books. If she wrote a phone book, I would pay full price and read it cover to cover.”



This book was amazing! I read it in 2 days and it was so hard to put down! Truly inspiring fiction on how to look at life in a different way.



“‘The things we remember are what we hold on to. And what we hold on to becomes the story of our lives.’

This book! THIS BOOK!! So fun, witty, devastating, and insightful. I’m so sad I’ve finished it. Every Katherine Center book I’ve read has been such a treat. What a great way to start 2022.

‘Love is always a disaster, darling. That’s what makes it fun.’”



LOVED IT. So much so that I read it again the same week.”



“Katherine is such an exquisite writer. The way she shares these characters is what makes me love reading. I read this book straight through without stopping. I literally never do that. But with Katherine’s writing I can’t help myself. I adored this story but I adored the way it was written even more. I am a full fledged Katherine Center fan. She’s amazing and this book was amazing!”



“Katherine Center strikes again. Her ability to balance main character development with a romance all while giving you all-the-feels is magic.”



New favorite author alert. This is the second book by Katherine Center that I have read in five days. It will not be my last, I see a deep dive coming. Not only were the characters so well developed and funny, they were real. The romance between the two main characters had me giggling. But most importantly, as with the Bodyguard, the message of this story resonated with me. I saw myself in Helen. In the things she thought, the way she viewed herself. Being with her through her journey of self discovery has taught me to look at things differently.”



Katherine Center writes books that are full of flawed, honest, trying-to-be-better characters that fumble along the way, learn, challenge themselves & leave brilliant nugget after brilliant nugget of self discovery tidbits along the way. I loved every moment of it.”



Katherine Center can do no wrong. Superb!”



Katherine…you are EVERYTHING. I can’t read a KC book and not become absolutely obsessed. The characters are so relatable it feels like talking to a friend. The issues are REAL. The emotions are REAL. It’s just such a wonderful experience overall. Literally can’t say enough good things.”



Do you ever feel like a book sees who you are as a person? That’s how I felt about this book that it took all of my inner most monologue and put it to paper. Truly a magnificent story with a lot of heart. Highly recommend.”



“The amount of tears and full body shivers I got in this book makes me feel like I was the one who had a life changing course.”

— L. —


One of the best reads of this decade for me, featuring an unforgettable, gutsy heroine and an equally endearing, swoon-worthy hero. What more could you ask for? You have to read this book! I’m adding this to every Katherine Center book that I have reviewed, because I truly mean this: I have always been able to understand and relate to everything Katherine Center writes. Her writing is so “open.” There are some authors or novels that I will struggle to connect with because the authors hide behind their words and I can’t feel or see them. When I connect with an author’s words on this level, it is as if I am having a deep, meaningful and wonderfully long chat with the author . . .”



This book was the warm hug I didn’t know I needed!”



I simply cannot get enough of the glorious novels written by Katherine Center. Her writing is addictive and mesmerizing. She, quite literally, makes me laugh and cry while reading the never long enough pages of her novels. “Happiness for Beginners” is no exception. It’s a story of longing, loss, hope, and finding truth in all things. “Happiness for Beginners” is a beautiful novel that will make you feel, and hope, and wish it would never end.”



“I absolutely loved this book! Katherine Center is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I cannot put her books down! I love the characters and the stories they tell…resilience, forgiveness and love. I have loved them all!”



Katherine Center is the bomb. This is light, funny, warm, deep, and beautiful.”



“If I could give this book a million stars—I’d give it the whole sky.”



Just beautiful. Well-rounded story with such likable characters. An uplifting tale that has the ability to make you feel good while also reminding you of all the opportunities you have in life that should not be taken for granted.”



This is really a page turner, one of the best woman’s fiction I’ve read this year.”



“I should have known when I read a recommendation from Brené Brown on the back that this book would be brilliant. On the surface it appears to be a light fiction romance read. But there were so many incredible lessons sprinkled through this book. I’m walking away with a better understanding of positive psychology and deciding where my story starts and ends. This is a must read. I really couldn’t put it down. And now I’m sad to walk away from these characters.”



“This was exactly the book I needed at exactly the right time. Poignant and moving. Our heroine is so tightly wound, sometimes I wanted to shake her, but that’s what made it so great. She’s so 3 dimensional. And our hero is awkward and naive.. and so, so, so lovable”



I love her humor! Sitting by yourself and laughing out loud is unheard of … unless you are reading a Katherine Center book🤪”




I’ve had this one on my shelf for longer than I can remember, saving it for a time when I needed it. Last Sunday, after a rough day before, I picked this up and read it cover to cover. I truly believe that reading is magical, and Katherine Center is my go-to when I need a mood-boosting read that encompasses the joy and pain of the human experience. Helen Carpenter embarks on a trip to change her life when her younger brother’s best friend takes her by surprise. What follows is a story of love: romantic, familial, and, most importantly, self-love. I loved everything about this story and could not adore Katherine Center any more.”



“Katherine Center, the queen of feel good romance does it again! 🙌🏻 Extreme wilderness adventure + finding yourself + romance = AMAZING! 💖”



I simply loved everything about this book. I was completely immersed in the characters and the story. Happiness is a bit of a journey – one woman’s quest for change. Helen and Jake were fully formed, interesting people, and all the characters, main, supporting and incidental were well drawn and all compelling. All the feels. I have read a few of Center’s book and this is my #1 favorite!! My only beef—it ended too soon. I wanted more of this couple.”



“I absolutely loved this! Loved the characters, the setting, the themes, the brother’s bff + age gap trope, there really wasn’t anything not to love about this except that I wish I could have had more time with the characters!”



Oh my heart!!
I don’t know if I’ve ever reacted to a book like I did with this one. I laughed, I cried, I swooned, but mostly I felt inspired. Inspired to be grateful for the little things every single day and to push myself out of my comfort zone more often. The characters and storyline were absolutely flawless and I don’t think I could love Jake any more. He definitely stole the show through this book and had me chuckling with huge heart eyes the whole time. There were so many memorable quotes throughout this book and I know I’ll be referring back to them quite often. Every book I’ve read by Katherine Center I’ve absolutely loved, but this one is definitely at the top of my list now. Happiness for Beginners needs to be added to everyone’s 2020 tbr list, ASAP!”



“What a lovely little moment of joy. An easy and reflective read, with a nice splattering of life lessons, that will leave you with a slightly brighter perspective on your own life – whatever the circumstances.”



I love that I can always count on Katherine Center to provide me with a feel-good, laugh out loud kinda book that also has great little nuggets of wisdom! Her character writing is my favorite and I just never want to put down the book.”



I LOVED this book and the characters ❤ Didn’t want it to end!”



Katherine Center never fails to blow me away! I appreciate how her characters have true hardships that can resonate with people in real life. And I am a sucker for some good character development 👏🏻 I loved this book so much!”



Oh my HEART!!!! 😍”



Such a delight. Snappy, engaging writing, flawed, relatable, and lovable characters that I miss already, and even some surprisingly memorable and meaningful nuggets of wisdom. Tender and funny and such a good story! I can’t wait to read more of Katherine Center’s books.”



“This book wrecked me, body and soul, and I said Thank you.”



Ahh, Katherine Center! Her books are always wonderful but I loved this one a little extra! 😍”



This may have just edged forward as my favorite Katherine Center book! The COVID life blues had me at the bookstore looking for a pick-me-up, and I thought what could be better that a book titled HAPPINESS FOR BEGINNERS. I ended up finishing the book in one sitting.”



I just love Katherine Center. Her characters are so fun to hang out with. I was sad to have this one end, and I wish I could spend more time seeing how Holdup’s adventures played out!”



Another book I absolutely loved. The main character was one who I identified with. She was divorced and determined to do something to change her life and she did, of course. Her encounters along the way are what make the story so good. The characters are wonderful I definitely recommend if you want to feel good book with lots of heart.”



The way Katherine Center combined beautiful imagery, hilarious dialogue, quirky characters and sweet love story to create this story about overcoming your sadness to see the beauty in what is already surrounding you is why I fell deeply in love with book.”



“This is by far one of the best books I have read this year. There’s nothing about it that I didn’t like: amazing character development, plot, story . . . everything. It pulls you in. During the whole book you are right there with Helen, feeling everything she is feeling, crying with her, loving with her.”



This book was hilarious, relatable, passionate, and so very well done. I have loved everything written by Katherine Center and I am sad I let this sit on my shelves for as long as it did. The banter, the adventure in the wilderness, the healing…all so perfect. I loved this book. I highly recommend it to anyone drowning in negativity. Because I sure was and continue to challenge that.”



I love the characters that she creates. They’re always very realistic and human. And there’s a light fluffiness to her stories but also there’s always a depth to them.”



A sweet story about healing, growth, bravery and love. If you’re looking for something effortless and enjoyable—this one is a great read.”



From the moment I read the description of this book online, I knew it was my type of romance. What I didn’t expect is such a beautifully written book about self discovery and finding out how to hold on to happiness and rebuild a life and relationships thought to be irreparable. This book explores the true meaning of happiness and the very real way in which gratitude and finding the joy in even the smallest things on our hardest days, can help us find our way back to being happy . . . It was the book I didn’t realize I needed at the exact moment I needed it. I highly, highly recommend it. Now on to the next Katherine Center book I can get my hands on.”



“I continue to love everything that Katherine Center writes. I flew through this book in one sitting. Interesting, intriguing, relatable, quirky – and add adventure through the wilderness – I loved it!”




“Another wonderful book by Katherine Center, so glad I’ve found this author, she’s so freaking talented it’s crazy. Simply an amazing story about changes in life, about getting to know yourself and falling for somebody who you haven’t noticed before, but is actually perfect for you. Helen and Jake’s chemistry was wow, so sweet and beautiful, and you loved both of them, their personalities, so much and couldn’t wait for a happy ending for them. Nothing about this book was just okay, everything was beyond beyond and I would recommend it to anyone.”



Loved this! A must read!”



Another amazing read I couldn’t put down! Katherine has the innate ability to write bold stories that cause me to lose massive amounts of sleep because I simply cannot stop reading! This was no different. A+”



“If you like good stories, well told, and characters you can love and root for, this book is for you. I really like Katherine Center books but this older one might be vying for the top spot now. If you haven’t read anything by Center (are you a Texan if you haven’t?), what are you waiting for?”



Absolutely adored. What a way to kick off a new year of reading. I can’t imagine this book not being in my top 3 books at the end of the year!”



Like a soft warm hug. I can always count on Katherine Center books to make me feel better.”



“This is my third Katherine Center book and she is my new favorite author. Reading her books is effortless because you are carried away with her story and the characters. You cheer for some, wonder about others and really dislike others. Her writing is simple and deep at the same time. Not overly flowery or obvious in its descriptions. I read most of this book in a single day’s car ride. You won’t be disappointed.”



Perhaps my favorite Katherine Center book of them all! In true KC fashion, this novel was a sweet, sweet hit of dopamine. I loved the entire concept of this book. It’s about second chances and starting over, the feeling of not fitting in but finding out you do in your own way, the wilderness, falling in love in unexpected places, and family. The dialogue is so real and made me laugh out loud multiple times. The characters are vulnerable and adorable. It’s all just so damn cute and swoon-worthy.”



Loved it.”



‘The things we remember are what we hold on to, and what we hold on to becomes the story of our lives.’ I’m addicted to this author’s books! This was a beautiful book!



Read twice and will probably read again! The favorite of 2021 for our Book Club group.”



“Seriously one of the best books I’ve read in a few years. Finished it in a day (which says a lot). Was funny, inspiring, and romantic. GO READ THIS BOOK (please).”



Love, Love, Love! Katherine Center did it AGAIN! I particularly loved–and was so surprised–that the main character, Helen Carpenter, is the sister of Duncan Carpenter, one of the main characters in another one of Katherine’s novels, What You Wish For (also fabulous!), giving me the backstory to these two. Wonderful story of forgiveness, healing, and moving forward . . .”



I absolutely loved everything about this book. Even Pickle. I would love to go on this kind of wilderness adventure someday. 10/10 will reccomend.”



Katherine has a knack for writing these amazingly strong women who pick themselves up out of life. Just regular life. Thats why I love her books. These are regular people doing regular things and life shits on them like it does regularly. Her characters persevere and come out on top. I felt empowered and strong and happy after reading Happiness for Beginners and you will too.”



I LOVED this book and finished it within 24 hours. Would definitely read again!”



Okay. I loved this book! Something I love about Center’s books is that you know she’s put the work in; I thought it with ‘Things You Save in a Fire’ (unsurprised to learn that her husband is a volunteer firefighter), and it comes through here too. She does actually walk us in Helen’s heavy, blister-busting boots as she experiences a wilderness adventure and the practicalities and hurdles thereof. She doesn’t go overly mushy with the self-discovery and being one with nature stuff; instead she predicates Helen’s slow transformation on her ability to recognise her own limitations and patterns, and being willing to connect with people and trust in herself. I loved it! . . . But let’s not pretend I don’t drool over Katherine Center’s beautiful books for anything as much as the romances. And the one in ‘Happiness’ is a doozy! Jake is the young, fresh as a penny popular college guy—Helen is his best friend’s older sister, and she feels every one of the years she’s got on Jake. But they have such spark, and the unrequited, slow-burn of it all is intoxicating! I think I also loved this romance because it did remind me of the one in my favourite Center book thus far, ‘Things You Save in a Fire’—which also had a kind of “himbo” love interest (except Center’s male characters are not unintelligent; they’re actually more emotionally intelligent and very much have Labrador-qualities of good guys loving on jaded and hurt women, giving them patience, space, and understanding that makes everything so much more delicious!)”




Y’all know I’m a huge Katherine Center fan. This one makes me love her writing even more.”



“I love her books. This one was especially wonderful. It’s what I wanted Wild to be. I could relate to the characters and feelings. I rooted for the relationships that came about and I was thrilled with the ending.”



“The fabric of Katherine Center’s storytelling easily weaves the reader directly into the story. So much so that you MUST keep reading to find out what’s happening next.”



I simply loved this! I got all the feels with this book. I laughed so much, cringed and maybe cried a little bit. Really, just a wonderful book.”



Heartbreakingly beautiful.”


“A quick, funny, soulful, romantic read that was a pleasure from start to finish. A delight!”



This was a great read. It was captivating, compelling, and positive. Really made me want to get out and go for a hike! But wow was it ever a rollercoaster. Broke my damn heart with some backstories. I’m quite sad their isn’t a sequel or a longer epilogue but it was a fantastic read while it lasted. Ps. I heard they’re making it into a Netflix movie! 🎥 🍿 ❤️”



“Katherine Center has quickly become a “must read” author for me. Happiness for Beginners is no exception and my favorite so far. The story is sweet, sad, and funny – to the point where I was asked why I was smiling so much. There are so many great moments!”



I absolutely love the way Katherine Center writes!”



One of the easiest 5 ⭐️ I’ve ever given!
Absolutely ADORED this book! It was a self help/ ROM COM mixed in one which is unique in and of itself. Helen, her life struggles and thoughts of never being good enough as is, is so GD relatable.. Her self discovery and reflections she gained from being immersed in nature was so beautiful and I found myself highlighting many a passages as well as wanting to adopt these lessons myself. Also, Jake was the golden retriever of all golden retrievers.”



It’s almost impossible to make me cry. This book, these characters accomplished that. I loved every single reading minute.”



This is my favourite book I’ve ever read. I laughed out loud, I cried, and I related to Helen so much!”



Helen’s journey to finding happiness in what life has given her is deep, meaningful, and so well-written. The little bit of romance woven throughout adds a little extra depth (and I’m a sucker for romance, so there’s that). When we learn to feel gratitude for what we have, rather than pining over what we don’t, our lives have more meaning, more joy.”



Loved it! Love her. Love how the art of happiness is intertwined into this novel. Great reminder of what true happiness is.”



I loved this one! It was a really great story. Jake was…*swoon*!! LOVED him and Helen was “kick-ass”. The storyline was really great and refreshing. It kept me glued to my Kindle, snapping at people who dared disturbing me while I tried to finish it (sorry family), a little angsty, adventurous and sweet! Loved it!” 🙂



Absolutely adorable story.”



This book was given to me on a whim and I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I was surprised in the best way. The main character is so witty and relatable it almost felt like I was listening to a podcast I loved even though I was reading. I finished it so quickly because it was such a wonderful relaxing read. If you’re looking for something that feels like a funny show, is simple yet still thought provoking, and even has an element of romance this is your pick. One of the most fun books I’ve read.”



“Katherine Center just knows how to write amazing novels that I just absolutely love.”



Oh Katherine, Katherine, Katherine can I count the ways that I love your books? This one hit the mark so incredibly well for me. I just loved the main character and I loved the way the story changed her. I loved the self discovery, the sweet love and everything else about the book. You have such a way with sweet, carefully crafted story lines. I was so sad that it ended and I couldn’t just keep reading!”



I just love Katherine Center! I picked up this book because I had a few minutes to spare and five hours later I put it down finished. Love her stories and characters. Always leaves me thinking about how I can be and do better.”



This was one of those addictive books. It made me laugh, it made me sigh, feel embarrassed and cry. I love Helen and I looooove Jake. What a gorgeous book boyfriend!”



Cried my eyes out, it was so wonderful.”



Life will hand us each one of us our fair share of despair and loss and suffering- and then some. That’s certain. But just as certain: It will also give us slices of chocolate cake, seventy two degree days, and breezes that rustle the trees.’ Katherine Center is already one of my favorite authors, so it is little wonder that I adored this gem from her backlist. 💕 Center’s books always feel a bit like therapy for me since they are full of lovely witticisms and wisdom about love and life. As always, the dialogue made me laugh at loud, the romantic leads had amazing chemistry and personal development, and the setting was the perfect backdrop to reflect on bravery and finding oneself.”




I love this author.”



When I die, bury me with all of Katherine Center’s works because they are just the epitome of what I need in a romance novel: a strong main character who has to overcome some obstacle, excellent dialogue, and a love interest who is supportive and interesting and romantic.”



Reading this was like my own personal brand of heroin. I don’t know how to explain that other than it felt like I was there, doing the damn thing with everyone. The book was an unforgettable experience in the wilderness and I loved every second of it. I wasn’t expecting this to become a favourite but it had every single thing I never thought that I needed from a romance book. Adventure, friendship, family dynamics, philosophy and even a little danger (of breaking my heart).”



Brilliant book! I laughed, I cried, I couldn’t put it down.”



***this is definitely a kissing book*** but it’s also so much more! It is a growing book and a learning book and an accepting book. And it’s just what I needed at this time. Light, yet touching and real.”



“It was so good I could cry. The writing. The quotes. The angst. The learnings. The relationships. The fact that there wasn’t a single character that I didn’t love. I laughed out loud. I gasped. I clutched my heart. I teared up. Any book that makes me feel this way is an automatic 5 stars.”



First things first, I ADORE Katherine Center. In case she sees this, I want her to know I have loved and will love anything she writes. That being said, I read Things You Save in a Fire early this year, and after falling in love with it, I went back to the author’s previous novels to continue obsessing over how amazing she is. That is how I discovered, here on Goodreads, that this is Center’s personal favorite novel that’s she’s written (at least of the time of posting). Honestly, I might have to agree. This hit me in all the right spots, and I really identified with it. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s a guidebook to being grateful and finding happiness within yourself. Maybe it’s the heart wrenching romance and adorable shenanigans involved. Or maybe it’s just a damn good book by an amazing author. Whatever the reason, I’m going to keep reading the author’s books and she’ll remain a must read for me!!”



I believe this is my favorite book by this author! SIGH!!!”



Wow! That was AMAZING! I laughed. I cried. I got mad. I swooned. I cried some more. This book moved me!  Not only was it a beautiful, inspiring story about being brave and seeing the good in each day. But oh the love story was so heartwarming and WONDERFUL.”



Loved this book!! Couldn’t put it down!!”



I did not expect this when I started this book. I enjoyed reading Things You Save In A Fire by the same author and was like—hey why not read another one of her books? I don’t know what it is about this book—the main character, the character development, the mixture of sadness and reality and perseverance and trying your best even in worst case scenarios. And at every turn I was gobsmacked with a healthy dose of self-help (genuinely found this book better than any self help book I’ve read, even if I’m tearing up now). Also, the angst is great 🙂




I started this book after trying to start two others so I wasn’t really expecting much, but guess what? I loved it! This was such a nice story and really got me all in the feels. I loved seeing how Helen’s outlook on life and herself slowly change for the better. And Jake was adorable 😍”



I love this book! 🧡 I love the cover (I read the newer edition, with orange background, yellow title and flowers on the cover), I love the title, and I love the whole story! I could so relate to Helen and her struggles! She was a kind person with a warm heart and you really wished all the best for her. This book made me laugh, it made me cry, and it filled me with happiness – if only it were longer, I could have kept on reading all night!”



LOVE Katherine Center’s stories!!”



I read three books this weekend and two of those were by Katherine Center. You cannot go wrong with her books. That’s it. That’s all. No more can be said because they are that good. Nothing else I can say to speak to the magnitude of how they make me feel while reading and when I finish. 5 stars is not enough for her books.”



“This author makes you fall in love with the characters but more surprising…her books make you feel better about yourself! Amazing!”



“This book falls into my all-time top 10 list. Simply put, it leaves you feeling optimistic and comforted. A happy read.”



Another 5 star, heartwarming tale that is told with incredible humor and talent. I couldn’t get enough of these characters. I loved their story, I loved their chemistry, and I am not usually a romance reader but I loved this book.



I literally cannot get enough of Katherine Center’s books, and this book is no different for me! And this is my 4th book I’ve read so far.”



I had a hard time putting this book down. I have yet to read a Katherine Center book that I haven’t loved.



This book has all my favorite things: a charming story, hiking…okay so maybe my scope of favorites is narrow but I cannot overstate how much I loved this book. I’m not a grateful person by nature, but I’m working on it. I loved the suggestions on how to achieve happiness woven seamlessly into a story of friendship, family, and romance.”



This is my second read by Katherine Center and once again, I loved it! The author really develops her characters well. Definitely a page turner with a little romance thrown in! I could not put it down!”



“A topsy turvy ride filled with woe and sparkle that never lets up with the darndest levels of hope.”



As usual, Katherine Center grabs our hearts and twists them mercilessly to give us a tale of raw, human feelings and relatable characters.



I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I found both of the main characters very likable for different reasons. I loved how determined Helen was despite having challenging life circumstances. She was cranky and lonely, but pushing herself to try to become less so. Jake was endlessly charming, friendly, and helpful. What’s not to love? I highly recommend this book, especially for people who find themselves at a crossroads in their lives.”



I have found my new favorite author ❤️❤️❤️”



“There are books you love, and then there are books that make you resent the rest of your life for preventing you from reading. Books that change the way you look at the world around you. Long story short: I loved this book.”



I read this in one day with a big, stupid smile on my face the whole time. So cute. I love Katherine Center’s writing.”



“Absolutely in love with this book. Like, I just finished and may start over and read again in love with this book.”


Brilliant book.”



One of the best books I’ve read in a long time! So romantic without being cheesy and the dialogue is very authentic!”



So good! All the feels and deep intermingling character lines I’ve come to expect from this author! Love her!”



“Much like How to Walk Away, this is a story about a woman discovering just how resilient she is. Sure, there is some romance thrown into the mix, (Jake, swoon.) but it’s not center stage. The focus stays on Helen’s transformation from the beginning to the very end. You root for her, you laugh with her (the subtle humor in this story was brilliant) and you cry with her because you can’t help but feel her pain.”



“I’ve kind of read Center’s books all backwards and haphazardly, but amazingly it’s been the perfect approach to cementing her as an all-time favorite author. That’s a big deal for me, because I really only have a few of those. I keep expecting one of her books to miss the mark, but it just hasn’t happened yet. . . . This story was joy-filled perfection.”

—T. Rosado



“I just loved rooting for Helen as she fumbled through the wilderness! I need more Katherine Center in my life now.”



I read this entire book in one afternoon and loved every minute of it.”



Another excellent read by the awesome Katherine Center. This is one of her earlier books and I have read them all; all are witty, funny, sad & beautiful in varying degrees.”



I literally read this book cover to cover today. I don’t remember loving a story so much, but I loved Helen, and I loved Jake, and I loved Duncan. It was real and messy and so incredibly lovely.”



“I love E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G about Happiness for Beginners!”



This book will envelop you like a warm, cozy embrace . . . At its heart, it’s a tale of growth and self-acceptance, presented in a refreshingly raw and relatable way.”



KC can do no wrong in my opinion. I love literally all her books, they are so joyful, heartfelt, and sweet. I’m so glad they came out with this beautiful cover to match the rest of my set! This one had me laughing and swooning and crying and hopeful… and any other emotion one can feel. I loved the banter between Helen & Jake and I loved the group that takes on the wilderness survival course… eventually. If you want something to truly touch your heart, pick up one of her books!



I cannot get enough of Katherine Center’s incredible characters. This was a ‘read in one sitting’ kind of story that I adored wholeheartedly . . . I’d give this book a million stars if I could.”



Gosh, I just love Katherine Center. Each of her books has such positivity. Things do not always work out the way you’d think, but somehow that just goes to show that sometimes the things that don’t go our way are actually blessings.”



“Such an amazing, hilarious, uplifting, inspirational, and outdoorsy book! It was an easy, entertaining read.”



“So many wonderful things about this book. I loved the main character — Helen, with an H– and all the real-world baggage she carries (and throws away and picks back up and throws away again). Katherine Center once again does not disappoint with her fabulous story!!”



“Sooooo freaking good!!! The story! The twists! The unexpected tears and love. Ugh!!!! Read! Go read!”



“Katherine Center never disappoints. Her work specifically seeks to broaden the reader’s awareness and understanding of the unexplored and expansive strength, power and authority of love—and she pulls it off—every time.”



Wonderful book. Such a talented writer! Spark and zing in her writing and you can barely put the book down! Puts so much personality into her characters you wish you knew them personally.”



“The is the second book by Katherine Center I’ve read and I have officially fallen in love.”



My favorite Katherine Center novel. Jake and Helen are fantastic, the plot is well-balanced and easy to follow, and the side characters are entertaining and realistic. I also adore Duncan.”



“This book hit a note with me when it comes to returning to a place of contentment. I literally laughed out loud and cried reading the same page. I couldn’t put this one down. Helen is the epitome of so many of us out there! I’m going to find 3 good things today.”




“I loved everything about this book! This is the first book I have read of Katherine’s but it won’t be the last. I loved the characters. The humor was just right!”



Adorable love story about growing up, figuring out what makes you happy, and learning to accept what you can’t change. A perfect beach read!



Katherine Center has a gift for story-telling and capturing the messiness and frustration of life in a totally engaging and relatable way. When Helen changed her mental model of her family relationships (especially with her baby brother) and the long-held story of her life, I was completely immersed and felt the same revelation.”



LOVE!! How is it possible to like each of her books better than the next? Quirky storylines, great relatable characters and sometimes just laugh out loud funny.”



I have been in a HUGE reading slump, but this book, I couldn’t put it down. Center has that effect on me.”



“Enchanting. It takes you on a beautiful journey with insightful perspectives and lots of love! Happiest book I’ve read in a long time and very inspirational.”



I feel invaded by this book. How did it manage to get past the walls that prevent me from reading age-gap romances? Usually they’re just so not my thing. But this book was actually kind of beautiful. It made me cry at the end for no reason. I like how it was a story about self-discovery before it was a romance, and the slow burn was the perfect kind.”



“I don’t want to offer any spoilers, so I’m not going to tell you what happens. But I will tell share how reading Happiness for Beginners made me feel: grateful, inspired, hopeful, appreciative, and—I know it sounds over-the-top—happy. It was a story of resilience and courage, of losing and then finding, of being brave in love, and of gaining the wisdom that, deep down, was always a part of you.”



“One of my favorite reads so far this year.”



“Sooo good. I absolute loved this book. Every time I had to put it down I couldn’t wait to pick it up again. Such a sweet heart-filling book. Not just about finding romance but about finding yourself!!”



After finishing her newest book (coming out this year), I decided to go and read everything that I could find of Katherine Center’s. Well, I am here to say she never disappoints. This is no exception. Katherine knows how to tell a great story and it is always packed with surprises.”



If you love feel good novels that feel like warm hugs, then this book is for you.



“Couldn’t stop reading this book! She is such a great author. My granddaughter asked me to get it because she just loved it. Now that I’m finished I’m missing the characters.”



I absolutely LOVED everything about this book! It was a unique storyline filled with inspiration, humor, and love. Perfection!”



“This is my favorite book of 2018. Funny, insightful and just plain lovely.”



“This is the second novel of hers that I’ve read and the second novel of hers that I’ve loved. It makes me happy to realize I’m smiling and/or crying while I’m reading a book. This is one of those.”



“Wow, this book found me at the exact time I needed it. This was my second Katherine Center book and I’m quickly becoming a big fan of her work.”




“Beyond amazing. Beautiful, inspirational and more. Love and highly recommend.”



“I need a follow up story for Jake and Helen after finishing!! I just need more! This was such a feel good read. I loved all the “Windy wisdom”. This was like reading a fun self help/adventure/romance book, and it was perfect! Their wilderness adventure was exciting and the characters were all so loveable. I cannot wait to read more of Katherine Center’s books!”



I really really enjoyed reading this one! It was sweet & moving & funny & really makes you think about happiness!”



If you’re anything like us, you’ll want to read it all in one sitting. —INSTYLE  “Finally a cover quote that is true…I did want to read it in one sitting. So swoony, so sweet, so lovely.”



“Such a sweet book, I flew right through it. Just a nice heartwarming read.”



“It is a glorious read, a needed reminder to find the happy moments when things feel a bit too boggy and to be brave in the times where you’d rather cut and run. Cheers to HoldUp and JDog, and to all who choose to wander into the woods to lose themselves only to then find themselves again.”



I devoured this book from start to finish in less than 12 hours. I literally started it at work on a night shift, and didn’t go to bed when I got home in the morning so I could finish it. This is the second book by Katherine Center I’ve read, and absolutely adored every second of.”



“Katherine Center loves to sprinkle in meaningful quotes which is something I love about her writing. As soon as I finish one of her books, I want to read it again. I can’t wait to read ALL of her books!”



Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center is an amazing book.”



I was not prepared to love this book as much as I did. Helen’s character was great. I loved following along on her journey to rediscover her true-self, while also coming to terms with past life experiences. The wilderness setting with a fun, unique group of people added to the whole dynamic, too. I was equally invested in all the quirky characters as I was with Helen and Jake. Oh, yeah – Jake! What’s not to love?”



“I absolutely LOVED this book! This was my second book to read by Katherine Center, and I now plan to read them all. Both of the books were SO great – all the feels. I can’t wait to read more of her books. :)”



Let’s be clear, there’s no spice, no dirty talk, no alpha-male, not even a closed door but all the emotion is right here and we feel everything. The kissing lesson OMG!!! Five stars easily—a must-read!”



“If you are feeling stuck in life, read this book. If you’re throwing yourself a pity party, read this book. If you want to try to see the good in every moment, READ THIS BOOK.”



“I have always been a Katherine Center fan, but there are not enough superlatives to describe this novel. It is an amazing work that you will find yourself remembering bits of weeks after you put the book in a bookcase. And yes, this is a book to be saved and savored again and again. Katherine has found her voice and it resonates with women of all ages. It will mean different things to each reader, but everyone will find bits of themselves on the printed pages. Katherine has honed her ability to reach into the depths of women’s unconsciousness and find that soft underbelly we all have. I found myself laughing and crying, often on the same page. But, I was invested. Nothing could break my concentration. My tea went cold, my cats had placed every soft toy at my feet, and my phone had several messages. But, for four hours, all that mattered was this book.”



“Katherine Center does an incredible job of capturing the universal struggle of vulnerability with humor and courage. Fold into this book like you would your favorite chair. It is a delicious treat.”



This is the book I needed right now. It was fun and quirky. It was emotional and obviously a bit romantic. I love it when flawed characters grow.”



“This was a fantastic read and one that will be on my favourites shelf and a definite re-read. I highlighted so many lines and paragraphs, I laughed, I cried, but most of all, I loved. I loved this book, loved these characters and now I love this author. I will definitely be checking out her back list and future releases.”



I finished the epilogue for this book and was left in awe.”



“I love a good journey-story and this was one of the best I’ve read. A girl starting over, takes the trip of a lifetime and finds herself somewhere along the way – doesn’t get better than that for me. But, somehow, this book DOES get even better than that. Helen discovers that she can stand on her own two feet, that she’s strong and capable – and able to love again after a love-gone-bad. I don’t even READ romance novels as a general rule, but I adored the romance in this one and even shed a little bit of happy tears at the end. This is a quick, easy, MUST read – you can’t go wrong!!”



“I love reading and when I find a treasure like this I want to let the author know of my “approval/happiness” by buying a copy. Or in this case, buying a few copies and sharing them with young adults. It’s a very realistic novel with hope.”



“Amazing book!!!! I recommend reading a Katherine Center book to everyone!!!”



“Love love love this book. I didn’t want to end. I adore Katherine Center’s writing and her characters who are always so relatable. I started this last night and just couldn’t put it down. You always have to root for Center’s characters and a happy ending. If you haven’t read one of her books, you definitely need to!”



“LOVED this book. Light some candles, crawl into the bubble bath and prepare to lose yourself for the next few hours. I could not put it down and was sad when it was over! Laugh out loud funny and bittersweet at the same time, Happiness for Beginners will does not disappoint. Bravo Ms. Center!!!”



I FELL IN LOVE. I fell in love with the character development, the life lessons, the witty banter back and forth, the comedy, the timing—EVERYTHING. I couldn’t put this book down.”



“WoW. Such a heartfelt easy and enjoyable read!! I’m a fan!! I thoroughly enjoyed every word of this book. I found it to be wise and super witty at the same time. I am so looking forward to diving into Katherine Center’s other books. I am hooked! Thank you for this much needed happiness!”



“Starts off juicy, and then gets AMAZINGLY MEANINGFUL in the middle. So inspiring.”



“This was the first Katherine Center book I read, about 6 months ago, and I have already read it again. It is like a sigh of pleasure to read, and I was completely absorbed in the book like I was hearing a story about my possible self or my best friend.”



This is my 4th Katherine center book and I have loved every single one. Anything I pick up by her I end up loving. Now I’m in a mission to read everything she’s written, but once I’m done I dread having to wait for the next one to come out!”



“This is a lovely novel!! I could totally relate to and feel the emotions that Helen expressed!! The character development of everyone else is just perfect!! Thanks, Katherine, for another warm and poignant reading experience!!”



“Whenever the doldrums hit, I order a KC book. Happiness for Beginners is entertaining and uplifting, with a perfect mix of women’s drama and romance. This book is full of hope. It’s about taking care of family, of starting over, about second chances, of forging your own way at your own pace, and about falling in love when one least expects it. A 5-star delight.”



“I loved this book. I read it in one sitting and as I read I kept checking to see how many pages I had left, wishing there were more. Katherine Center is one of my favorite authors. I’ve loved all her books, but this one might be my favorite. Can’t wait for her next one!”



“Fabulous. Center’s best yet. Human, heartwarming and heartbreaking all in one delightful read.”



I really don’t know if I can help it. I love Katherine Center’s books. I know, I know. I’ve only read a few. But what I started with was great and they just keep getting better so I don’t see my opinion changing any time soon.”



“Thank you Katherine. Another great read. This author is one of my new favorites. Katherine your sense of humor must be so in sync with mine…. I wish I could invite you to my book club… I’d love to chat over wine! I’m getting my ladies to read one of your books for our next meeting! This book is fantastic. Real characters…real situations… real life…. and a really enjoyable read!”



“This is a great motivational read. I love every aspect of this novel and how it spoke to me in more ways than one. It is very entertaining as it is inspiring.”



It’s been a long time since I stayed up too late because I couldn’t put a book down. It’s also been a long time since a book made me laugh and cry at once. If you want to feel hopeful, this is the book for you.”



“It was the most fun I have had reading in years.”



This might be my new favorite book ever. I have never left a book review in my life and I’m a huge reader, but I had to. I literally read this book THREE times back to back. Amazing, heart warming, loved it.”



“I love Katherine’s other books and this one is as wonderfully good as they are. Favorite thing? The way she develops the main character to a point where you feel like you are part of her mind.”



“Absolutely loved this book! I honestly couldn’t read it fast enough! In fact, I’m buying it for my daughter because I thought it offered a lot of great insights into being happy.”



“Is there a rating higher than 5 stars? This is the 5th Katherine Center book I have read. I think this one passes How To Walk Away for me. I love the meaning behind the story, the journey to become a stronger person for yourself. The journey to find ways to be happy. It was amazingly written.”



“This is such a fabulous book—so funny & endearing, and a great love story. And on top of that, it was inspiring – made me want to be a kinder, more thoughtful version of myself.”



What an adorable and charming romance story. READ THIS BOOK. Katherine Center is absolutely one of the very best love story writers.”



Is it possible to read a Katherine Center book and put it down? I can’t say that I have had that ability. Start to finish Mrs. Center sucks you into her stories and it is like an invisible vortex that you can’t get away from until every single word is devoured. I am a huge fan and will continue to devour Mrs. Center’s books. If you haven’t read her work, don’t waste any more time. Pick up one of her books today. Each book gets better and better.”



“Crying tears of joy and now sadness that this book is over. I loved every bit of Happiness for Beginners. Thank you Katherine Center for the best summer reading ever!”



“It’s a funny read as all of Katherine’s books are. She has a great wit.”



“Personal growth, happiness, healing, humor, and love, with a wilderness adventure thrown in; this book was all that and more. I highly recommend this brilliant novel to women’s fiction fans. Now I’m off to read all of Katherine Center’s other books!”



“5 glowing, laughing,crying, wonderful, all-time-favourite stars. I loved, LOVED, loved this book so much! I had to create a new Goodreads shelf for it: all-time-favourite! I laughed A LOT…then I cried a bit and then I laughed while I was crying. I learned to look at things a different, better way. And while I did I had the greatest time ever.”


It is with great honor that I announce I read this masterpiece of a book in less than 8 hours! I could not put it down. My gosh how will I recover from this?”



“5 Feel-Good Book Stars! I borrowed this book from the library but it’s one that will find a home on my bookshelf so I can open it at any time and read a page here and there whenever I want. This is a story where I always want to remember it ALL. The only thing I regret is not savoring it longer, I just couldn’t put it down.”



“I was feeling a little anxious and restless, and I couldn’t find inner peace or calm. That’s when I knew it was time to read this amazing book again. For the fourth time. The moment I opened it and started reading, I had this feeling of ‘ahhhh, this is good and just what I needed.’ Every time I read this, I go on the journey along with Helen. From her reflections, I reflect on my own thoughts, life and happiness, and I get inspired to exercise my appreciation. Throw in witty and great writing, great characters, wilderness setting, a beautiful cover and a bit of romance, and you get, in my opinion, a fantastic book.”



This book is sweet and fun and surprisingly deep. That pretty much sums up why I’m a fan of Katherine Center.”



“Read this on my Girls Trip Weekend, and my pals commented on how unusually quiet I was poolside and had never seen me “so totally absorbed by a book”. It’s true. I couldn’t put down this enchanting story. Highly recommended for those looking to smile as pages are turned and don’t mind the pitter-patter of the heart and then looking up and realizing that the entire afternoon had completely gotten away from you.”



“Added this to my top ten ever fiction books list. Fantastic story and writing. It made me both laugh and cry. I’m planning to read everything else she’s written now.”



“Believe the hype: it’s really good. Katherine Center is my absolute favorite new-to-me author. You won’t regret giving her or this book a try.”



“Surprised me from the beginning and held my attention till the last page. I honestly couldn’t put it down. Center writes of love and adventure with such a pure truth and believe. Every page placed me right in the center of the story. It left me with a desire to find my own life changing crazy adventure.”



“This book was a true joy to read. I found myself cheering for Helen as she navigated life being newly divorced and trying to find her way. She ended up surprising herself numerous times, and I enjoyed the journey.”



“My second read by Katherine Center, and I have definitely found a new favorite author! I won’t even bother with descriptions of this book, just pick it up and read it people! It was just as enjoyable as ‘How To Walk Away’ if not more so. I am now in search of the other books she has written. I hope Ms Center has many books left in her!”



I love everything about it: the writing is fantastic, the dialogue is realistic and witty, it’s not completely predictable, the characters are excellent, there are little snippets of beauty and wisdom sprinkled throughout, and the author leaves us with some reality instead of a trite ending. This book will give you a different way to look at your life while warming your heart.”



I loved the characters and kudos to Katherine Center for developing great dialogue between characters. She’s a gem of an author”



Read it! And while you’re at that, read everything else by Katherine Center, too.”



In order to reset and find happiness, newly divorced Helen signs up for a three week mountaineering course in the wilderness. A few people have died in past trips, but don’t worry, it’s under new management. Next comes a gaggle of annoying coeds, a rumpled poem by Pablo Neruda, the best friend of her little brother (who is a surprisingly good kisser), and a host of surprises and mishaps and insights into what makes us truly happy. Delightful.”

—Rosenbaum Five


I just love Katherine Center’s writing. Her characters are so vivid, the dialogue so spot-on, the little touches of humor so charming. I started reading this late last night and took every opportunity to sneak in a few more pages until I finished today, less than 24 hours later.”



Katherine Center has become an author whose book I will pick up even without knowing the premise ahead of time. Happiness for Beginners is one on her backlist and I picked it up simply because I had not read it yet. Now I am asking myself, why didn’t I read this one sooner? From the opening sentence I was immersed in Helen’s story and was so invested in her journey I couldn’t put the book down. Filled with laughter, tears and adventure, if you haven’t read this one yet, you’re missing out!”



I am loving this author!! I love her writing, characters and the feels. There was so much love, emotion and humor in this book, it was very relatable and moving.”



What an awesome story! Once in, I couldn’t put it down! This makes four books that I’ve read by this author, and I will highly recommend her every time.”



“I watched a new movie on Netflix only to find out it was based on a book. I sat down and read it in 6 hours without putting it down. Highly recommend!”



“If you don’t shed a tear in every chapter, Chuck Norris says you’ve got no humanity. I love Katherine Center’s writing… she gets to the heart of everything, find the universal truth that we all keep hidden.”



Such a delight. Snappy, engaging writing, flawed, relatable, and lovable characters that I miss already, and even some surprisingly memorable and meaningful nuggets of wisdom. Tender and funny and such a good story!”



Finished in a day – and now I’m sad I’m not at the library to pick up yet another Katherine Center book to start later tonight. Loved this story!” ❤️



Aww just has all the feels. A backcountry survival hiking trip. An annoying and yet totally awesome younger brother’s best friend. A girl out of her element but not going to let that stop her. Yep, it was a fun read with some real depth. And makes me all warm and fuzzy by the end.”



“This book tugged at my heartstrings and tickled my funny bone in equal measure, and as I listened, I could see the movie (that I wish would be made) playing out in my brain. I loved the humor (from the nicknames to Pickles the dog to Grandma GiGi), I loved the romance, and I especially loved how utterly human the characters were (I could definitely see myself in Helen). I’m looking forward to reading more books by this author and I was extremely thrilled to hear that Helen’s brother, Duncan, is featured in her next book.”



Blog Reviews

Brené Brown

“My good friend Katherine Center has a new book out – Happiness for Beginners.  I’ve fallen in love with her books over the years – the characters are imperfect, vulnerable, and always funny. She can write a falling-down-and-getting-back-up story like nobody’s business. And she’s also a 5th generation Texan so there’s always a little emotional pig-wrestling and ass-kicking in her books.”

The Bloggess

Listed on “Shit you should buy or steal because it’s awesome.”


“It’s absolutely the perfect summer read.”


“This woman can write! She pulls you deep into the heart of her characters and has you not only routing for them every step of the way, but also learning things about yourself, as well. Her books and her writing always seems to have a hopeful, positive spin on life. Even when her characters are facing tough situations and their lives seem to be turned upside down, she brings that silver lining into every moment.”

Jane Estes

“If Nora Ephron had accompanied Cheryl Strayed on the Pacific Coast Trail, she would have made a funny, warm, tender movie about it—the lighter flipside to Wild. This is exactly what someone should do with the book Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center. Fleet and funny with characters you’ll remember—Center’s fifth book is a delight.”

Life Between Reads

“The best books are the ones that completely exceed your expectations. You know, the ones where you have an opinion or assumption formed before you even read the first page, only to have those opinions or assumptions completely blown out of the water? That’s what happened to me with Happiness for Beginners . . . I loved this book so much.”

Girl In Nashville

“I devoured it in a matter of three bedtime reading sessions. The night I finished it, I ignored my exhaustion (this little human I am growing is a tiny energy sucker) and my husband’s tales of his work day and eagerly turned each page. Two hours past my (admittedly lame) bedtime, I finally finished. It’s been a while since I read a book ending as satisfying as this one.”

5 Minutes for Books

“Center has the great ability to write with depth, but in the sort of light page-turning way that I enjoy. She has a great sense of humor, which gives her novels a light touch which is balanced to nicely by her insightful depth into people.”

My Life With Bradley Cooper

“It was a story of resilience and courage, of losing and then finding, of being brave in love, and of gaining the wisdom that was always a part of you.
. . . And I just loved it.”

Angie Mizzell

“I love Katherine Center because she makes you feel like the main character is real. And, her novels hit on important and universal life themes—that’s what I’m seeking in the books I read.”

Charlotte’s Web of Books

Happiness for Beginners was a delightful read about a woman who is out to change her life.  It was touching,funny, and even a little bit heartbreaking.  Everything I love in a good book!”

Book Mama

“Katherine Center shares a valuable, relatable message on how recovering from a crushing loss can be a bumpy road, a journey that requires traversing many valleys before you reach the peaks. One quote from the book that I loved: “I had finally come to understand that not getting what you want is actually the trick to it all. Because not getting what you want forces you to appreciate what you already have.” For that thoughtful advice and much more, I’d recommend Happiness for Beginners. ”

Books Are My Thing

“Katherine Center’s novels are some of my favorite kinds – women’s fiction with a few chick lit moments thrown in . . . Center’s latest novel is a great way to spend an afternoon.”

ReaderBuzz: Sunday Salon

“I love the way Katherine Center tells a story. Her characters are people that inhabit my world; they suffer yet they laugh, too. This is the story of an unlikely romance. Helen sets off on a wilderness-survival course and, to her surprise, finds that her little brother’s friend, who has long had a crush on her, has come along, too. The little brother’s friend, however, isn’t so little any more. Adventure. Disaster. Romance. Fun.”

The Book Chick

“Center’s absorbing writing kept me reading page after page, long after it was time for me to put the book down. Most interesting to me was how Center got me thinking about happiness, and about what truly makes me happy in life. That message was there, but not in a hit-you-over-the-head preachy way, and I appreciated that even more. It was subtle but enlightening.”

Morning Light Mama

“Oh, how I enjoyed this one. I couldn’t help but root for the young guy to win the slightly older, slightly more jaded woman’s heart, and Katherine Center makes the whole thing, from beginning to end, a fun ride. I think I needed to hear some of this book’s messages right now, especially the idea of reflecting on three good things at the end of each day. Much of happiness can be about choosing it… “

Interviews / Q&A’s

Houston NPR

Houston Matters producer Michael Hagerty asks Center why and about why we often look to the outdoors to help us find ourselves.


KC: “There’s a lot of me in Helen, and this is one of those things! One thing she needs to learn to do in this book is to savor the good things around her—even if she can’t fix or eliminate the bad. That’s a lesson I’ve been working on my whole life. “


KC: “I am far more interested in the ways we pull ourselves together than in the ways we fall apart. I think a lot of writers are afraid of happy endings — afraid they won’t be taken seriously, or they’ll seem false. As a culture, we’re deeply mistrustful of happy endings in stories, as if we’re foolish to long for them or enjoy them, as if there’s nothing meaningful to take from the joys of life. But I disagree. Good things do happen — all the time. I don’t want to live a life that ignores them or write stories that ignore them.”

The Girlfriends’ Book Club

KC:  “I came across an idea once that people go to nonfiction to learn things, but people go to fiction to feel things.  (That’s the great Dwight V. Swain, by the way.)  It’s an idea I’ve thought about a lot since. What do I want to feel when I read a novel?  Because you can only write the story you long to read.  On some level, all of us who love fiction are looking for something that makes us feel alive.  But for me, I find I’m mostly drawn to stories that are a pleasure to read, ones I look forward to coming back to when I have to set them down, ones that make me curious and eager to turn the pages and keep me up past my bedtime.”

1/2 DOZEN (questions) with Julianna Baggott

KC: “Write the story you want to read.  Not the story you think your smart friend wants to read.  Or the story you think will impress your writing group.  Or the story you think will be a bestseller.  Write the story that your own inner reader would love more than anything to curl up with for an afternoon.  There are infinite stories you could write.  The real question is, which one is yours?”

Features / Mentions

InStyle Book Club: 7 Page-Turning Picks to Read This April

The Houston Press

The Perfect Party :: Houstonia Magazine

Wiring Your Brain For Happiness :: Deseret News

