Mike Putnam is a friend of my sweet husband’s from college. When I hear about Mike from back in the day, it’s usually stories about diving off trestle bridges and other crazy things college boys do. So how amazed was I to find out that he is, in addition to being a veterinarian and former […]
This print is from an Etsy shop called Sure As Blue. They have lots of pretty things.
–and found myself awake in the wee hours, long after everybody else was back asleep–cruising around on ETSY looking at beautiful, handmade things and wishing I were an artist with studio full of windows and sunlight. Here are some photos from a series called Through The Viewfinder at a shop called Scarlet Beautiful.
Just got word of a terrific review for Everyone Is Beautiful from Booklist, which calls it a “superbly written novel filled with unique and resonant characters.” Please see the whole delicious concluding sentence below: “Center takes a woman at her most vulnerable time and sets her on a journey to find herself without losing what […]
Look at this amazing little poem by first grader Miguel! If I could BE a holiday card, this would be it! Plus look at the great graphics! The snowflakes are made out of the WITS tree logo! Here’s how they describe their program: “WITS gives children all over Houston the gift of creativity, the power to […]
Random House has chosen an actress to read (perform?) the audiobook version of Everyone Is Beautiful, and she’s adorable! Kirsten Potter–you may have seen her guest spots in Medium or Judging Amy–will record the book in January. (The audiobook goes on sale the same day as the hardcover—Feb. 17, 2009!) Look at that great smile! […]
Here’s the cover for the British edition of Everyone Is Beautiful! I’m fascinated by the tag line on the front. I think if I were writing a tag line for Everyone Is Beautiful, it would go something like: “Love. Marriage. Chocolate cake.”
Blogger, photographer, digital storyteller, and all-around superhero Karen Walrond came out to my family’s ranch (we are Texans, after all) this weekend and took some photos of the place with a twin-lens reflex camera. I am a big fan of old cameras (the main character in Everyone Is Beautiful uses one), and these photos are […]
Just got word that there’s to be a Czech language version of Bright Side. Can’t wait to see the cover!
I just finished Curtis Sittenfeld’s new novel, American Wife: “a work of fiction loosely inspired by the life on an American first lady.” And oh, how I loved it. The writing is so fine. The dialogue is so crisp and smart, the inner landscape of the main character is so textured and complicated. The story […]
A gorgeous print from Farouche‘s delicious ETSY shop… One of the many things I’m thankful for today is apple crisp. I lost my Joy Of Cooking recipe for it and had to search around online, and I found a katrillion recipes before I found mine. But guess what? There’s only one correct recipe for apple […]
Melinda over at Planet Mom has just posted a glowing review of Bright Side! (And added it to Kirtsy!) She worries that she waited too long after getting her book to post about it, but I say it’s never too late for a great review. Here’s what Planet Mom has to say: “It is a […]
Looks like I’ll be headed to Dallas on March 5, 2009 for a reading for Everyone Is Beautiful at Legacy Books. From what I can find online, Legacy books looks enormous and swanky and gorgeous. Can’t wait.
I posted this YouTube video of Billy Collins’ poem “Forgetfulness” on Kirtsy when I was a Guest Editor there last year. I still find myself going back to watch it from time to time. I love the grainy animation in the video, the way the images flicker in and out and overlap each other. And, […]
I’ve made a great discovery. A site called Square America that is “a gallery of vintage snapshots and vernacular photography.” Photos from the early 20th century up through the 1970s or so. I keep going back to the site to browse through it. Some of the images are breathtaking. Some of them are funny. All […]