/* Mailchimp contact form CSS - form is on Newsletter page */

Katherine would love to hear from you! Send her an email below! 🙂 *Though it’s not always possible for KC to respond to every lovely email she receives, please know that she reads them all and is always so grateful for the feedback.

For speaking inquiries, please see Katherine’s page at Macmillan Speakers’ Bureau.

For media and event inquiries, please contact Katherine’s publicist at St. Martin’s Press, Katie Bassel at [email protected]

For film rights inquiries, email Katherine, and she’ll connect you with her film agent.

For book clubs looking to connect, email Katherine to talk about logistics.

And don’t forget to join the mailing list, so Katherine can stay in touch and send you Three Good Things!

    (Please note that Katherine is not able to take blurb requests at this time.)


    Fun Photos of Katherine

    Click for a larger image and slideshow

