Last spring, I got invited to go with a group of women artists to the Oregon coast for a retreat called Lovebomb. And of course I said yes. Even though Oregon is a long way from Texas. And even though I’ve done more than enough traveling lately. And even though I only knew four of the 14 women who’d be there.
I’d heard too many great things about the first Lovebomb (last year) from my friends Karen and Brene to say no. I felt honored to be asked.
And then, as time got closer, I felt nervous. Because these women are seriously beautiful. And fabulous. And fierce. The more I visited their blogs and got to know them in a virtual way, the more I wondered just exactly what business I had crashing their vacation on the beach.
But by then the plane ticket was already bought. And, of course, some things in life you just have to do–no matter how anxious you feel the night before you leave.
And guess what? By the end of it, I was belting out a James Taylor solo by a campfire on a beach. (Still kinda cringing over that). That’s how comfortable and welcome they made me feel.
And I found out that these women were even more awesome than they seem on their blogs. Because in addition to being brilliant and accomplished and infinitely appealing, they’re also just nice. Which goes a long way with me.

Photo by Tracey Clark
L to R: Tracey Clark, Karen Walrond, Brene Brown, Ali Edwards, Andrea Jenkins, me, Kelly Rae Roberts, Andrea Scher, Alex DeSouza, Jen Lee, Myriam Joseph, Jen Gray, Jen Lemen. Not pictured: Mati Rose.
It was a great weekend for many reasons, and it reminded me how important it is sometimes to do things that scare you. And how thrilling it can be to step out of your regular life a little. And how quiet walks on the beach can restore your internal rhythm. And also–because I often need reminding about this–how luck and bravery seem to go hand in hand.
you love bombers have left us all so inspired! i hear you are the hands behind the beautiful body calligraphy. any dish on the paint/ink/brushes you used? would love to know!
Katherine, Amen about the walking on the beach. This has nothing to do with your post, but seeing your picture as a child……………….wow! Anna looks just like you did. How cute!
Okay I already love your books and writing, and now you hang out with these amazing bloggers that I’ve also read and admired? Yeah, lovebomb couldn’t be more apropos, now could it?
i LUUUVED reading about Lovebomb on your blog, Kelly Rae’s and Andrea’s…what an amazing time that must be!! I bet the rooms are about to burst from all the wisdom, inspiration, and talent amongst all of you.
I am heading to Be Present Retreats in October and am SCARED!! This post gave me courage because i know it is something i need to do…to challenge myself and of course to learn from some pretty darn amazing souls! Who knows maybe I will have my own “lovebomb” be born through it!! Pleaes wish me luck!!
Yes, definitely. Going out on a limb, our heart pitter-pattering is often a sign it’s…RIGHT. We’re pushing ourselves a little. This little retreat of you all’s has fascinated me. And if I’ve not said it here, I discovered first Karen and then another blog through her and I kept discovering you all and found like minded women bloggers, finally. Thanks!