The Lost Husband–LAUNCH!

It’s been a heck of a week!

We had a FANTASTIC crowd at the launch for The Lost Husband this week!  It felt like there were a thousand people there, which can’t be right.  But it was standing-room-only, and Brazos Bookstore sold out of books.

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I am so grateful to all the people who came to cheer this book on.  And I’m grateful, too, to TARGET for choosing it as a featured book and  USA Today for calling it “heartwarming.”

And so, so grateful to PEOPLE Magazine for giving it a beautiful review!

PEOPLE magazine review of the lost husband

It’s always a bit of a naked feeling putting out a new book.  You’ve worked so long and so quietly–and then, suddenly, it’s out there, and reviews are popping up everywhere . . . That’s part of the fun, of course–because it’s gratifying to share the stories with readers at last.  But it’s a little nervewracking, too.

I wish I could send everybody who came to the launch–or who’s given it a good review, or who’s Facebooked about how much they loved it–a heartfelt, handwritten thank-you note on gorgeous linen stationery to tell them how grateful I am.

As it is, I’ll just have to hope that somehow they already know.